One can detect an Establishment psyop often my characteristic conflating of words. White Nationalist can mean a supporter of the US Constitution (instead of Globalism) who happens to be White, OR it could mean, a person who wants a Nationalism designed ONLY for Whites!

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Yes, White Nationalist 9-11 event, except, the DOJ/FBI/Biden Admin is being set-up as tyrannical as well through transparently tyrannical behavior, ie. the provocations of the Right appear real, justifying Right anger. Could an unexpected collapse of Biden Admin. be in the works instead?

BTW: How does the apparent re-cycling of QAnon, via Alex Jones' sudden, about face support of the Q Shaman fit? After 1-6, Jones blasted Q right to the Q Shaman's face in the famous interview. Now the FED Shaman is his hero?

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