60,000 lbs of Ammonium Nitrate missing from a TRAIN in California.
The Right is mad at the FBI. I know this because I listen to the podcasts of Matt Walsh, Jack Posebic, Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, and more. Their sentiments are uniform and they feel contrived. I suspect it’s part of the framing of the American Right for what happens next.
This rage is part of the setup for what I believe will be a White Nationalist 9/11. Let’s take a look at the patterns which can be discerned from the following bullet points:
Officials in Camden County Missouri are saying no emphatically to any demands by the ATF that could curtail gun rights. The Waco standoff, led by David Koresh, 33, was over weapons violations. 1.6 million rounds.
Alex Jones was radicalized by Waco and helped rebuild the Branch Davidian compound. He told Piers Morgan about the 1.6 Billion rounds the DHS purchased as the reason why if they try to “take the guns” then “1776 will commence again.”
The January 6th, or 1/6 march, was led in part by the Q-Shaman, 33, and Alex Jones.
Waco radicalized Timothy McVeigh, who was executed at 33 on 6/11/01. This was 90 days before lead hijacker Mohammad Atta, 33, crashed into the WTC.
McVeigh’s terror plot was inspired by the Turner Diaries, in which patriots crash a bomb-filled plane into the nation’s capital. Its author, btw, was born on 9/11/33.
Now we have 60,000 lbs of Ammonium Nitrate missing from a TRAIN in California.
6/11 is the anniversary of Timothy McViegh’s death.
1.6 million rounds at Waco
1.6 billion purchased by the DHS
1/6 Insurrection
1.6 billion dollar lawsuit against Fox by Dominion
Batman movie 11/6 was a date for the cracking of the dam, and the flooding of the polls, which put Gotham under water. The terrorists sent by the Riddler represent the right wing and the Riddler is Q.
I’ve observed the Right wing is anti-FBI and reflexively blames all the "false flags" on the Feds. This was evident in 2017-2018 too with Trump's anti-FBI rhetoric. And now with the Mar-a-Lago raid, etc, the FBI are the bad guys to the right. (Note how often they accuse one another of being Feds on 4chan and Telegram).
The Pentagon leaker on Discord mentioned anger about Waco as part of his own radicalizing process.
The anniversary of the Waco conflagration was the date McVeigh chose for his terror attack. A similar move on 6/11 would make a lot of sense. 6/11 is an inverted 9/11 and Timothy McVeigh was an inverted, or domestic Osama Bin Laden.
In a previous post, I drew attention to the following meme because it perfectly demonstrates this inversion:
The engineered, provoked, and fake extremist right will be the patsy for the next great spectacle. All signs indicate 6/11/23 will be “based,” as the political right says.
The Turner Diaries is a key plot device, as it was brought to life in 2020 with the MCCloskyies and the St Louis gun-toting incident:
The predictive programming and the present state of the psywar lead me to think we’re being prepared for a white nationalist 9/11 event.
One can detect an Establishment psyop often my characteristic conflating of words. White Nationalist can mean a supporter of the US Constitution (instead of Globalism) who happens to be White, OR it could mean, a person who wants a Nationalism designed ONLY for Whites!
Yes, White Nationalist 9-11 event, except, the DOJ/FBI/Biden Admin is being set-up as tyrannical as well through transparently tyrannical behavior, ie. the provocations of the Right appear real, justifying Right anger. Could an unexpected collapse of Biden Admin. be in the works instead?
BTW: How does the apparent re-cycling of QAnon, via Alex Jones' sudden, about face support of the Q Shaman fit? After 1-6, Jones blasted Q right to the Q Shaman's face in the famous interview. Now the FED Shaman is his hero?