Yes. And hell, even the "games" themselves are fake, not real competitions. Just as in political theater, the winners are decided in advance as another way to push the wayward wizards' agenda. I stopped watching and following sportsball nearly 4 decades ago, but in a critical analysis video, I saw a clip of a recent football game in which the wide receiver made a touchdown as he was *completely unchallenged* by the defense. WTF.
Agreed. It's time to do a full Matrix extraction. Too many are caught up thinking most stuff is real with some fakery here and there. The truth is, the fakery is far more widespread, standardized, and institutionlized as a form of world-view warfare. It's better to assume everything given MSM attention is faked, steered, and scripted--unless facts prove otherwise.
When someone asks but how ?! I always say “have you ever seen a movie”? Did anyone die during Saving Private Ryan or John Wick?! No silly - the whole thing is a simulation
Great response! I love answering people's questions with other questions. And yours is a good one because it exposes Hollywood as the black magic manufacturing facility that it always has been from the get-go, while *hopefully* making all the other BS theatre — sports, politics, WEF conferences, "news," latest fear mongering "health" crisis, etc. — start to be unraveled in their mind. If it doesn't nudge them, they may be beyond hope!
This is an angle that I am jst in the process of realising, that potentially everything is fake including sports (premier league in my part of the world). I have been watching a guy called "the Illusion", he goes into the scripting of Premier League matches with regard to the number on player shirts and what they mean, and the time that certain goals are scored, and the relevance of the club's symbols, and he decribles in a way that, if you accept a very different paradigm to that which we are indoctrinated into, could be quite believable. Now, given the last 4 years, and of course the thousands of years before that, I am pretty much open to ANYTHING as a possiblility if the evidence is there to support it. But my question is this: Who scripts it, and how much knowledge do the actual players on the pitch have about all of this, if any knowledge at all? Which then leads me to the spiritual: Is it scripted by fate, or by Satan etc? I don't know, all I have is questions. I went through some different stages with last night's non events. At first I thought that something would definitely happen, but the closer the event got I just knew that nothing would happen, because it couldn't be possible that I could know of something that huge before it happened. Maybe, due to the complexity and variation that numbers can be interpreted, we can only work backwards from actual events and it's virtually impossible to work forwards i.e. Is 2/11 the 11th of February of 14:11 in the afternoon? I really want there to be something in all this numerology and cryptography and gematria as I find the whole thing facinating, but i'm struggling to get my head around it all. Some stuff, like Swift being a clone of Du'vey's "daughter" (transgendered son), I can accept as I can see it with my own eyes, I can accept that this is possible with the right hormone treatments and that they probably posess the capability to clone people far more than we actually know. This world is one hell of a ride lately.
Hi Rob. Those are some good questions. It is my comprehension that sportsballers who achieve this level of success must undergo some kind of mind-control programming. I have seen players glitch on the field and in the studio; this indicates that they have been MK-ULTRA'd and need re-programming. This is — as with all aspects of the death-cult system of systems — an incremental process: Players start in junior high and high school, get scholarships to play in college, then get into minor leagues or go straight into the majors. Some are pre-selected as "star" athletes. The process is one of "artificial elevation," as some players aren't even that good in the beginning, but their programming involves demonic possession for extreme levels of achievement.
It is also my current understanding that the scripts for every MSM mediatized event come from the demon masters as channeled through human or human hybrid wayward wizards in Luciferian, Satanic, Thelemite, and other black magic circles. The scripts are then given to whom I call cushy-job-keeping career clowns (in this case, the team owners and coaches, at the very least). Then the players are programmed with play numbers and other codes in order to enact the script on certain dates and times. Yes, the wayward wizards use and abuse numerology and astrology for their death-cult agenda, and we're starting to figure out how they do it.
These are all extreme zealots worshiping demon masters; it's their religion. I suppose some of the lower-level athletes have not "officially" sold their souls, but eventually they must in order to achieve the stardom and all of the other cushy perks. That's why we see the top athletes using hand gestures and wearing, as you said, symbolic numbers on their jerseys.
The wayward wizards cannot create, they can only copycat. So they use and re-use the same playbook over and over and over. This is why they constantly hide aspects of history or simply "rewrite" it altogether. When we find out the truth, their game is DONE. As more people are waking up to the abject heinousness of this rigged world, the wayward wizards must work harder to manipulate our consciousness. That's why everything is so insane right now! They're moving fast and getting sloppy. And yet, most people are addicted to "entertainment," the cons know this, and they keep feeding them more and more repulsive, harmful garbage. Viewers/listeners do not realize that they are congregants in a psychopathic church, worshiping demons via their "star" idols.
Wow, thats quite an answer, thanks Sharine. I still struggle to get my head around there being so many knowingly involved in the deception. I am fully on board with this world being controlled by Satan worshipping psychos, and that only those that are easily corrupted get into, or near to the circles of power. I could accept that a few major players (in any major sport) could be MK mind controlled and maybe a few managers, but not enough to control the outcome of a game to accuracy of when goals are scored. I know that players have affected outcomes for gambling wins by letting in goals or missing shots but I have been a (English) football fan for 40 years and the ebb and flow of the game is so sporadic and chaotic I just can't beleive it couldbe scripted by any individual. Which is why I asked the question of it is more of a spiritual (fate based) control of the game, as in, is it already written in the stars, so to speak. Maybe i'm wrong, and it really like you say, i'm certainly not arguing as you are clearly far further down this road than I am.
Rob, my perspective is only my current comprehension. I think it could very well be that I am seeing more deception than actually exists. That perspective comes from tens of thousands of hours of research leading to the fact that the death-cultists will go to extremes in their deception.
I wish you a fortunate journey in your own research. I really like our conversations!
Great 3 point raised there. I think on my awakening I have taken all 3 positions, currently residing happily at the third posision......I think. I would say that many events have no deaths - Certian school shootings, London Westminster bridge, Manchester Arena etc. Events like 9/11 clearly have actual victims but everything else is fake (holographic planes etc). I was explaining to my better half that I was expected a possible Swift assasination or something of that ilk. She's lovely, and not really into rabbit holes, so she said "oh come on, you can't wish her dead, she's just girl who has been used by these poeple", So I told her that she's a clone of the transgendered son of the church of Satan and that she wouldn't actually die. Just like Diana didn't die. I think I lost her at that point.
Yes. And hell, even the "games" themselves are fake, not real competitions. Just as in political theater, the winners are decided in advance as another way to push the wayward wizards' agenda. I stopped watching and following sportsball nearly 4 decades ago, but in a critical analysis video, I saw a clip of a recent football game in which the wide receiver made a touchdown as he was *completely unchallenged* by the defense. WTF.
Agreed. It's time to do a full Matrix extraction. Too many are caught up thinking most stuff is real with some fakery here and there. The truth is, the fakery is far more widespread, standardized, and institutionlized as a form of world-view warfare. It's better to assume everything given MSM attention is faked, steered, and scripted--unless facts prove otherwise.
Hey Tim, I have given quite a long reply to Sharine above, I'd be interested on your thoughts. Cheers
When someone asks but how ?! I always say “have you ever seen a movie”? Did anyone die during Saving Private Ryan or John Wick?! No silly - the whole thing is a simulation
Great response! I love answering people's questions with other questions. And yours is a good one because it exposes Hollywood as the black magic manufacturing facility that it always has been from the get-go, while *hopefully* making all the other BS theatre — sports, politics, WEF conferences, "news," latest fear mongering "health" crisis, etc. — start to be unraveled in their mind. If it doesn't nudge them, they may be beyond hope!
This is an angle that I am jst in the process of realising, that potentially everything is fake including sports (premier league in my part of the world). I have been watching a guy called "the Illusion", he goes into the scripting of Premier League matches with regard to the number on player shirts and what they mean, and the time that certain goals are scored, and the relevance of the club's symbols, and he decribles in a way that, if you accept a very different paradigm to that which we are indoctrinated into, could be quite believable. Now, given the last 4 years, and of course the thousands of years before that, I am pretty much open to ANYTHING as a possiblility if the evidence is there to support it. But my question is this: Who scripts it, and how much knowledge do the actual players on the pitch have about all of this, if any knowledge at all? Which then leads me to the spiritual: Is it scripted by fate, or by Satan etc? I don't know, all I have is questions. I went through some different stages with last night's non events. At first I thought that something would definitely happen, but the closer the event got I just knew that nothing would happen, because it couldn't be possible that I could know of something that huge before it happened. Maybe, due to the complexity and variation that numbers can be interpreted, we can only work backwards from actual events and it's virtually impossible to work forwards i.e. Is 2/11 the 11th of February of 14:11 in the afternoon? I really want there to be something in all this numerology and cryptography and gematria as I find the whole thing facinating, but i'm struggling to get my head around it all. Some stuff, like Swift being a clone of Du'vey's "daughter" (transgendered son), I can accept as I can see it with my own eyes, I can accept that this is possible with the right hormone treatments and that they probably posess the capability to clone people far more than we actually know. This world is one hell of a ride lately.
Hi Rob. Those are some good questions. It is my comprehension that sportsballers who achieve this level of success must undergo some kind of mind-control programming. I have seen players glitch on the field and in the studio; this indicates that they have been MK-ULTRA'd and need re-programming. This is — as with all aspects of the death-cult system of systems — an incremental process: Players start in junior high and high school, get scholarships to play in college, then get into minor leagues or go straight into the majors. Some are pre-selected as "star" athletes. The process is one of "artificial elevation," as some players aren't even that good in the beginning, but their programming involves demonic possession for extreme levels of achievement.
It is also my current understanding that the scripts for every MSM mediatized event come from the demon masters as channeled through human or human hybrid wayward wizards in Luciferian, Satanic, Thelemite, and other black magic circles. The scripts are then given to whom I call cushy-job-keeping career clowns (in this case, the team owners and coaches, at the very least). Then the players are programmed with play numbers and other codes in order to enact the script on certain dates and times. Yes, the wayward wizards use and abuse numerology and astrology for their death-cult agenda, and we're starting to figure out how they do it.
These are all extreme zealots worshiping demon masters; it's their religion. I suppose some of the lower-level athletes have not "officially" sold their souls, but eventually they must in order to achieve the stardom and all of the other cushy perks. That's why we see the top athletes using hand gestures and wearing, as you said, symbolic numbers on their jerseys.
The wayward wizards cannot create, they can only copycat. So they use and re-use the same playbook over and over and over. This is why they constantly hide aspects of history or simply "rewrite" it altogether. When we find out the truth, their game is DONE. As more people are waking up to the abject heinousness of this rigged world, the wayward wizards must work harder to manipulate our consciousness. That's why everything is so insane right now! They're moving fast and getting sloppy. And yet, most people are addicted to "entertainment," the cons know this, and they keep feeding them more and more repulsive, harmful garbage. Viewers/listeners do not realize that they are congregants in a psychopathic church, worshiping demons via their "star" idols.
Wow, thats quite an answer, thanks Sharine. I still struggle to get my head around there being so many knowingly involved in the deception. I am fully on board with this world being controlled by Satan worshipping psychos, and that only those that are easily corrupted get into, or near to the circles of power. I could accept that a few major players (in any major sport) could be MK mind controlled and maybe a few managers, but not enough to control the outcome of a game to accuracy of when goals are scored. I know that players have affected outcomes for gambling wins by letting in goals or missing shots but I have been a (English) football fan for 40 years and the ebb and flow of the game is so sporadic and chaotic I just can't beleive it couldbe scripted by any individual. Which is why I asked the question of it is more of a spiritual (fate based) control of the game, as in, is it already written in the stars, so to speak. Maybe i'm wrong, and it really like you say, i'm certainly not arguing as you are clearly far further down this road than I am.
Rob, my perspective is only my current comprehension. I think it could very well be that I am seeing more deception than actually exists. That perspective comes from tens of thousands of hours of research leading to the fact that the death-cultists will go to extremes in their deception.
I wish you a fortunate journey in your own research. I really like our conversations!
Likewise Sharine, I really value your opinion and knowledge. I might not yet be in a position to fully comprehend it, but I would never discount it.
Been there. Done that.
1983: First it was a movie.
2017: Then they redid the script for “TV News”:
(While you were still in training pants.)
Great 3 point raised there. I think on my awakening I have taken all 3 positions, currently residing happily at the third posision......I think. I would say that many events have no deaths - Certian school shootings, London Westminster bridge, Manchester Arena etc. Events like 9/11 clearly have actual victims but everything else is fake (holographic planes etc). I was explaining to my better half that I was expected a possible Swift assasination or something of that ilk. She's lovely, and not really into rabbit holes, so she said "oh come on, you can't wish her dead, she's just girl who has been used by these poeple", So I told her that she's a clone of the transgendered son of the church of Satan and that she wouldn't actually die. Just like Diana didn't die. I think I lost her at that point.
This is their pagan night not worth subscribing to.