Most Troofers think the major psyops are real events planned by sinister forces who telegraph their intentions via predictive programming.
To them, news events fall into two categories:
Real, as televised.
Real, but falsely described by the media (insert “second shooters” and “MK Ultra”/ “mental illness” scapegoats).
True media skeptics question the initial story instead of accepting it at face value. Unless evidence supports the extraordinary claims, it must be treated as fake — if fakeable (and what isn’t nowadays?)— until proven real.
The third category, which Troofers don’t consider:
Fake, simulated news event. Nobody dies.
The third option doesn’t exist for those who have wrongfully accepted the MSM burden of proof. This is why I refer to red-pill troofers as alt-media “propaganda mules.”
Should something psyop-y happen at the Super Bowl, you can bet on it being fake and not a “false flag.” That term hides the hoax behind conspiracy rabbit trails.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
Yes. And hell, even the "games" themselves are fake, not real competitions. Just as in political theater, the winners are decided in advance as another way to push the wayward wizards' agenda. I stopped watching and following sportsball nearly 4 decades ago, but in a critical analysis video, I saw a clip of a recent football game in which the wide receiver made a touchdown as he was *completely unchallenged* by the defense. WTF.
Been there. Done that.
1983: First it was a movie.
2017: Then they redid the script for “TV News”:
(While you were still in training pants.)