Meme is a gene of culture not a virus even though memes spread from person to person as do viruses. To say memes spread like viruses is FALSE! According to virology, viruses spread via physical / chemical means while memes spread intellectually / emotionally. The body's physical immune system deals with viruses. The intellect can accept or reject meme messages.
I think they want to convey that the intellect cannot filter everything in today's clownworld media cacophony and therefore we need censorship---and they are using the pandemic model to pre-sell the masses on this concept.
Yes. I tried to discuss vaxxx safety very moderately on a non-alt blog recently. I got nothing but absurd memes and total rejection of any specific objections. Everything was rejected as QAnon propaganda. Crickets when I noted most QAnoners do not question the vaxxx because their White Hat Trump supports the vaxxx. Further proof QAnon is controlled opposition.
Gene therapy for people. Meme therapy for society. All to be controlled from the top.
Yes. The coming Internet Quarantine has the same supporters as the 2020 Covid Quarantine.
Same early adopters.
Meme is a gene of culture not a virus even though memes spread from person to person as do viruses. To say memes spread like viruses is FALSE! According to virology, viruses spread via physical / chemical means while memes spread intellectually / emotionally. The body's physical immune system deals with viruses. The intellect can accept or reject meme messages.
I think they want to convey that the intellect cannot filter everything in today's clownworld media cacophony and therefore we need censorship---and they are using the pandemic model to pre-sell the masses on this concept.
Yes. I tried to discuss vaxxx safety very moderately on a non-alt blog recently. I got nothing but absurd memes and total rejection of any specific objections. Everything was rejected as QAnon propaganda. Crickets when I noted most QAnoners do not question the vaxxx because their White Hat Trump supports the vaxxx. Further proof QAnon is controlled opposition.
Of course genes are LITERALLY infectious person to person, through sex, ie. sperm.