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Tim, I'm afraid im going to have to disagreee with you on this one. No disrespect to you and your reasoning, which is fine in principle. But there are many things that, to me, tells me that something quite weird is going on. The 4 to me that immediately stand out due to mutliple people i know personally in complete agreememnt with me are:

1. Loony Tunes - this was always Loony Toons when I was younger (80's).

2. Pikachu always had a black bolt on the tip of his tail (90's).

3. Monopoly - i'll be damned if that little old fella didn't have a monocle.

4. Fruit of the loom always had a cornucopia in the logo, i had loads of fruit the loom stuff as a kid, and this is clear as day.

People can call it what they want, but these memories of me and my friends are real, and I have no explanation for what is going on here.

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