The ones I knew distanced themselves from me. Others I observe as a fly on the wall. I know a few. And more, I was speaking to a relative who had anectodal accounts of how popular it is at the ****** he works at.
There's a tendency to minimize the grassroots. The central narrative is an interation of religious themes and that's what attracts them. Good vs evil. White hats vs Deep State. The religious have always been prone to believe batshit insane end-times drivel. This is no different. QAnon is a dooms-day cult + ponzi scheme that fits right in with evangelical Christian nationalism.
Yep.Q anon has always been a well crafted intelligence psy op to bring down Trump and "populism". In my experience it seemed way too obvious to work, but the spooks may have won after all.
Odd. I don't know a single real life Trump supporter who thinks Q was anything but CIA.
How big is your social network?
The ones I knew distanced themselves from me. Others I observe as a fly on the wall. I know a few. And more, I was speaking to a relative who had anectodal accounts of how popular it is at the ****** he works at.
A few hundred, but tend to be well educated and probably more skeptical. Always considered Q a silly fringe, but...
There's a tendency to minimize the grassroots. The central narrative is an interation of religious themes and that's what attracts them. Good vs evil. White hats vs Deep State. The religious have always been prone to believe batshit insane end-times drivel. This is no different. QAnon is a dooms-day cult + ponzi scheme that fits right in with evangelical Christian nationalism.
Yep.Q anon has always been a well crafted intelligence psy op to bring down Trump and "populism". In my experience it seemed way too obvious to work, but the spooks may have won after all.