That's a twist I NEVER would have thought of! Bravo!

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The "47" thing has been a theme since that july 4th parade shooting. That shooter has a photo of Oswald on his wall and he went ot Trump rallys. It's totally foreshadowing.

When the MSM started calling Brock Purdy Oswald, I knew something was up.

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Tim, I placed one of those fancy links to your previous post in the Stack I put up yesterday. I hope it has helped your growth. You do excellent work.

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Thank you. I think fifteen or twenty people subscribed in the last 24 hours.

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That's why I'm here Et, You turned me on to Tim's Stack!

Good peoples help out good peoples & everybody benefits..

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Subbsied!!! I dig yer style...Just read Fucking Fuckery! Loved it!

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It did help; I subscribed to Tim’s SS yesterday and I’m so glad I did. I really enjoy reading both of your Stacks. Great stuff!

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Awesome connection!!

Who's your pick for SUPERB OWL?

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I'm thinking it gets interupted by two or more large psyops and the day ends in total chaos. No winner.

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Hoover damn? 33 minutes black out perhaps? NO Winner ?? Didn't see THAT coming!

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If American Pie is an actual description of events then the game is never completed . It sounds like something occurs at the point where the halftime show is ending and the players take the field. That is what the song says.

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Your RIGHT! My brain failed me AGAIN!

We'll have days like THIS, my Mama said....🎵🎶🎵

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Yes, 47 is a Freemason number (which means it's a Luciferian number). Their logo compass is set at 47°.

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The lastest shooting--- KC Chiefs Parade.

22 ppl, 11 children

11/22 = JFK death date

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The resemblance between Brock Purdy and Lee Harvey...

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Interesting. I wasn’t familiar with the original Oswald, so I looked it up quickly for better context with this article. This is how Wikipedia phrased it: (don’t tell anyone I used that site, please; my pride is at stake)

“Oswald: Down the Rabbit Hole is currently in development and is set to be released in 2025.”

How sardonically true.

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