To anyone pushing the notion of missing dead children in Maui vaporized by 5G towers, lasers, or trafficked by Deep State kidnappers:
You have to prove there are 2,000 dead missing children first. Then you can ask others "Where are the dead kids?"
You can't shift the burden of proof and assume the premise has been established. First, we need proof these kids even exist and are missing, because to ask non-believers to prove a negative is illogical.
I could say, "Why is nobody talking about the 500 missing unicorns?" or "What is the Air Force doing with alien hybrid children in DUMBs?"
These are Loaded Questions that assume the premise is established. Logically, it should be, "There are 2,000 missing children. I can prove this in the following manner...." But NOBODY has proof. Their Question is treated as proof.
This obsession with missing children is solely infecting former Q-folk and Sound of Freedom dupes. Trooofers are STARTING with the premise "it was DEW" or "it was a false flag disguised as climate change" and working their way back.
No. Tim. There was vast damage in a populated area where there were kids. Some people are asking the right questions. Were a lot of kids killed? Where is an accounting? Should we believe the MSM low ball estimates of the dead? Or keep an open mind that 1000s might have been killed, even incinerated? Should we ignore the anomalous fire damage reports that raise the suspicion of Directed Energy Weapons, most likely microwaves in this case? We know the 'powers that be" lead by the World Economic Forum claim the "planet" needs to be saved from climate change caused by too many people and WEF lead real estate operators want to redevelop the burned land for billions of $$$$ in profit.
I most certainly did NOT START with the idea it was DEWs. Quite the opposite. I assumed that DEWs were a guard rail designed to put tin foil hats on conspiracy theorists focusing at first on all the bureaucratic "errors" which intensified the disaster. Observing the anomalous damage made me consider DEWs likely.