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Let's bodyguard the Pentagon, DoD and Lockheed-Martin so they can continue maintaining the secrecy surrounding CLASSIFIED WEAPONS technology. That way we do their job for them.


The important thing is to dismiss all secret weapons development as just "paranoid conspiracy theory". That way they can continue to TEST their advanced weapons tech on human lab rats and guinea pigs.

Just like they tested their experimental mRNA "vaccine" tech on the population by SKIPPING the animal testing under the "emergency" conditions of "Operation Warp Speed".

Why would they use us like that? Because it's all harmless, right?

They would never hurt us or deploy secret classified technology against us.

Because they love us and would never want to hurt us.

That's what Tim Ozman learned during his years in the military.

He learned that they never keep secrets from us and would never use us like lab animals.

Just ask him.

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