World Stage Deprogramming Guide
“A strange game. The only winning move is not to play” --- WarGames
Preface: Unmask Your Mind
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. " — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Incredulity is not an argument. Ignorance is not a defense. We’re all being lied to with carefully crafted logically fallacious narratives. News belief is the new religious belief.
Mass media has supplanted religion as the primary unifying myth builder and worldview shaper. It’s far more centralized and monolithic than the unquestioning believers would suspect. What appears as pandemonium is a singular vision describing and surreptitiously imposing the accepted, consensus version of reality.
Agreeing with the consensus is not the same thing as being correct but it’s hard to tell since questioning it is considered tantamount to hate. I am surprised question marks haven’t been banned, removed from keyboards altogether, or confiscated by UN troops by now.
The refusal to look and to see that there is a discrepancy between the televised version of the world and the real thing is moral cowardice. It’s not difficult to entertain the hypothetical question “what if?” the much-maligned skeptics have a point. Refusing to use reason and logic to critically examine a belief is an abnegation of one's responsibility to think.
It’s often easier to go with the hive and that’s the primary issue here. The mass-mediated minds are separated by worldview from the so-called “conspiracy theorists” who are targeted by believers with endless vitriol, scapegoating, and shame. Every religion has an in-built prejudice against non-members. The mainstream media has made its attitude toward non-believers clear. Believers and non-believers have different frames of reference that shape how they see others, themselves, and our place in the universe.
There is nothing to stop one from embracing illogical ideas. We are entitled to our own opinions but not our own facts. Religious belief generally serves a higher purpose and necessarily deals with the unknown and that which is unknowable from the natural world. The supernatural has a place in religious and spiritual belief systems.
Faith in media, however dangerously misplaced, is demanded from viewers. Rationally parsing the facts is labeled conspiracy theorizing and is sternly frowned upon. It is only reasonable to drop the presumption that news believers have the moral or intellectual high ground. Believers lack objective and authentic evidence. They fall for the biggest lies and the fakest news events because they are convinced by inauthentic evidence, hearsay, and rumor enforced by a monolithic world-spanning echo chamber.
The consensus reality I call the World Stage has no place for non-believers, those that know something is not quite right and it goes behind left versus right partisan squabbling.
Our minds have been hoodwinked. We unwittingly donned masks to prevent us from recognizing that mass media is not what we are led to assume. Strip away the unverifiable, the lies, and the fallacies and you’re left with a less-than-complete story and nothing to fill in the gaps. The falsification of fake news is just the first step. The next step is to deal with the questions this raises.
When reality and beliefs clash, internal disharmony results. I posit this cognitive dissonance is an unavoidable side effect of outsourcing one’s critical thinking faculties and most avoid the truth because it literally hurts. In Plato’s Allegory of The Cave, he posits that the reason most don’t leave the “cave” of ignorance is the pain of seeing the blinding light of truth:
“…Plato then supposes that one prisoner is freed. This prisoner would look around and see the fire. The light would hurt his eyes and make it difficult for him to see the objects casting the shadows. If he were told that what he is seeing is real instead of the other version of reality he sees on the wall, he would not believe it. In his pain, Plato continues, the freed prisoner would turn away and run back to what he is accustomed to...”
The Cave walls are the ubiquitous television and phone screens, appropriately named, as these screens our experience through a filter of lies that reinforce a consensus established by a power elite. The lie-augmented dominant worldview, the World Stage as I describe it is a self-reinforcing echo chamber and the act of seeing through it is a volitional one. Nobody can remove the mainstream media filter for you and nobody in that cave can answer the questions raised when false explanations are pulled down.
World Stage Media
"History is a set of lies agreed upon." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Our reality-fluid world stage is part magic show, part reality television, and part news reporting. The artificial reality construct and its metascripts are now laid bare for anyone to see.
When you're at home watching Netflix, you're at the de facto state church. The entertainment is a side-effect of the programming---of being surreptitiously indoctrinated into the church of state.
What do we do with this? The answer is to see past the special effects and movie magic and independently determine the parameters of this reality. If we examine the past to understand how we got here we run into conflicting accounts of what happened according to those with the power and influence to have a say in it.
But what about the present news, before it becomes history: would it not follow that the news media, too, is “a set of narratives agreed upon?”
Look past the political divides shrilly accentuated by theatrics and you may notice behind the myriad of small differences in opinion regarding life's everyday mundane questions, there is a strong consensus agreement about the big questions.
These areas of big agreement represent the World Stage. It’s a universally shared set of presumptions about the world shared by all sides of these divides--for the most part. For example, the sky is blue, the sun rises in the east, and Bigfoot is a myth. Most will agree with all of these presumptions. However, there is a certain number that would disagree with the last point.
The blueness of the sky and the sun’s daily path are observable facts. These stand on their own without the need for a mediator. You don’t merely believe these things, you know them to be true.
But what of the Bigfoot believers, is their belief not on par with our knowledge of the sky’s color? The answer is no. No, belief and knowledge are not equally valid forms of information. A belief is a stand-in or replacement for the real thing and whether it is based on faith, hearsay, lies, misunderstanding, or emotional desire that something be so, it represents a splitting off from one’s perceptions. This means one is actively ignoring contrary facts and evading contradictions, or one is blissfully unaware of how far their belief about something differs from what the facts describe.
My question for believers in the NASA moon landings: “can you claim to know man landed on the moon if you have not considered the evidence to the contrary?”
Ignoring conspiracy theorists is a convenient way to dodge irreconcilable contradictions. However, if one chooses to remain ignorant of new information, they must relinquish the title of “knower” in favor of “believer”. It takes intellectual work and deep thoughtful consideration to know why you disagree with an opposing side.
The sheer dismissiveness of the mainstream of anything from outside the world-stage paradigm tells us that the dominant worldview is a closed system.
If one can selectively accept explanations on faith or by hearsay while ignoring the entire body of information, that is, if one accepts an incomplete account by choosing not to know, then one is in defiance of reality. Just as liars defy reality, so too are their believers caught up in the evasion.
If you can recognize the issue with admitting the supernatural into the realm of possibility, no matter how charming or appealing to one’s sense of wonder, then you’ll understand why our world is the way it is with regard to groupthink and religious fundamentalism, and why people are so easily marched off cliffs like cartoon lemmings.
The Realm of Possibility
The Overton Window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. Right now, that window is wide open. In many ways, the television screen has become a literal Overton Window. If it’s on the screen, it gets instant access to the Realm of Possibility.
On the World Stage, reality is what liars can get away with, therefore, the Realm of Possibility and the World Stage are two different things though they overlap physically.
We are in a state of philosophical crisis because this apparent window has been so widely accepted as such when it's actually a filter. This filter acts as a stand-in for the individual’s conscious deliberation. Instead of deciding if there is reason to believe, the filtered minds accept what is presented as believable. This eliminates the need to gather more information. This willful ignorant position is threatened by suggestions their faith has been misplaced.
You cannot honestly and in good faith record a light in the night sky and declare it's a possible alien UFO or mysterious government craft, or proclaim a noise heard in the woods is a Bigfoot until you rule out a natural explanation with evidence.
Hitchens's razor, an epistemological razor, and a general rule for rejecting certain knowledge claims states "...what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."
The inclusion of any supernatural phenomenon is not in the realm of possibility and therefore a non-sequitur fallacy until it has been proven to exist first.
Believing something without reason or in the face of contradiction requires a deliberate decision to not perceive it as an individual observer but as a member of a hive taking perceptions secondhand. Hearsay and see-say (the visual equivalent of hearsay).
Those who automatically believe what the world stage media says necessarily rely upon a middleman, a blue check verified source, so they don’t have to think. They don’t seem to consider that allowing the media to invalidate their perceptions is to put their faith in a filtered version of how things are. Since most agree with what the filter provides, most don’t resist it. Most will, however, attack the non-believer, the skeptic, and the doubter.
The emperor may have no clothes, but try telling his admirers that without being canceled from participation where the mainstream mediated minds gather.
The Auto-Believer
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ---George Orwell
Who thinks for you? Who or what is the final arbiter over what you accept, in your mind, as true? Have you outsourced your thinking when it comes to the reality as presented via the world stage media filters?
How do so many people believe the mediated version? By default. This is a problem of epistemology and the philosophical error inherent in masking one’s mind with the mainstream media filter.
What is your relationship to media? Do you believe in media? This is an important question. Do you believe in science? These are misleading questions rooted in a faulty understanding of what media and science are. The fact-finding processes of science or journalism are methods of determining what is real. Your critical thinking faculties do the same. However, when selectively outsourcing critical thinking, one is vulnerable to perceptual manipulation. This epistemological blindspot is what world-stage media takes advantage of.
You must choose to remain in the default position of
a) world-stage centric, and therefore misinformed with the latest consensus-based agreed upon beliefs,
b) off world-stage centric, from where the self is the final arbiter of what is a faith-based belief and what constitutes knowledge.
I'm not denying reality for questioning consensus beliefs that contradict what I know. By asserting hearsay or a visual equivalent as scientific evidence, it is the believers who deny and contradict reality.
The Auto-Hoaxer
An Autohoaxer is one who requires evidence for claims made by pathologically lying media, especially when the claims are extraordinary.
This requires shifting the burden of proof to the claim maker if the claim is not attended by facts. Have you ever called a bluff or a lie?
To stand on the truth you have to be willing to stand on truth against lies that bond and bind the consensus. While we share the same reality, knowing what’s real will always remain a superior position, since reality exists.
Repelling lies and deception is simply a matter of shifting back the burden of proof.
The Autohoaxer is often left having to suspend judgment and is therefore not obligated to preemptively overreact to every news headline.
There is a process required to know something. An internal process of cognition that requires factual information. Beliefs are rapidly assumed true on the basis of emotion, believability, and a myriad of potential logical fallacies. Knowledge may require additional research, fact-finding, and a thorough examination of available facts. This is not always conclusive immediately and may explain why there is pressure to believe and resentment toward those “conspiracy theorists” who are questioning alleged facts.
The Offworld Stage Perspective
How to remove the inherent bias built on provable lies and deceptions from your frame of reference:
The filter of World Stage Media does not have to be your primary frame of reference. The filtered minds of the hyper-mediated do not have to gatekeep your reality.
The Offworld Stage Reporter takes the MSM- approach to interpreting the presented facts. This means subtracting the unverifiable aspects, the conjecture, and the hearsay. Every observer from this perspective is a reporter.
The Offworld Stage approach to media deconstruction is a combination of journalism, reporting, and narrative analysis. To be an Offworld Stage observer, you must:
Shift the burden of proof to those propagating the extraordinary claims.
Reject the expectation that we automatically believe in every atrocity or threat scenario. Question their claims, especially when they involve shocking claims and body counts.
Refuse to treat hearsay or the visual equivalent, see-say, as evidence.
Re-examine past media claims, especially when these reinforce a contemporary psyop narrative. No news stories are sacrosanct or immune to good faith scrutiny and skeptical investigation.
Who or what is the final arbiter of truth when it comes to what you accept, a media outlet, the consensus, a specific pundit, or is it your own critical thinking faculties?
Stepping off the World Stage is to remove its filter and replace it with your own logical framework that operates within a philosophical understanding of how it can short-circuit the thinking process.
It can be likened to exiting a relationship with a liar. Filtering one's experiences through another's distorted version of events places one into an augmented reality wherein one's worldview is slightly altered. This splinter-reality of the victim of lies is a microcosm of the world stage construct.
Information Overload
Viewers who automatically believe the news likely don’t understand what the MSM is, or how centralized its storytelling is. They lack an understanding of publicity stunts, perception management, psychological operations, and worldview warfare being waged under the guise of news and entertainment.
We are inundated with forty-eight hours of news every twenty-four hours, purposefully to leave us at the mercy of trusted pundits. By necessity, most working people must outsource to some degree their news aggregation. The overload makes it impossible to reject every claim not substantiated by evidence for those that automatically assume the news is real, which most do. Most people passively accept the news they didn’t watch as true. If it was fake, someone would have told them, they must assume.
What if the ideal citizen of the future lacks the ability to deliberately reject ideas and is rendered a passive recipient of programming and instructions? Perhaps the power elite is engineering a new human, totally augmented with a digital world that has been utterly censored and merged with the state’s approved operating system
Healthy agnosticism is certainly warranted in today’s immersive illusion. You must step outside of the consensus frame of reference to see the consensus as such.
If you don’t consider the possibility that you’re wrong you will never know except at those times when reality Presents too great a contradiction. This always results in cognitive dissonance, upset expectations, and painful emotions. When reality and beliefs clash there is dissonance and disharmony, an unavoidable side effect of outsourcing one’s critical thinking faculties. The pain of being wrong becomes an incentive to avoid confronting contradictions. We see this at the level of individuals and at the level of political parties and religions.
How does one avoid the trap of ignorance without having to pay attention to the overwhelming flood of conflicting narratives?
If you’re not interested in the daily deluge of infotainment drama here is how you avoid the traps of accepting the default consensus view on everything without being plugged in:
Look for the motives behind the stories. We ask what happened, not who did it, because the “it” has to be established as a factual event.
Asking the question “did it happen at all?” is a good starting point.
Are the questionable elements Fakable?
To assume the premise established by the initial reporting is to build on a foundation of hearsay. The initial skepticism will save you the trouble of navigating the labyrinth of mainstream rabbit trails.
Traditional conspiracy theorists tend to believe the mainstream is lying about the events reported on, but they don't dispute that the events happened or that people died.
Conspiracy Theorists ask: "Who is really responsible?"
Autohoaxers ask: “Did it even happen?”
The problem with the first question is it assumes the media is covering something up, rather than making it up.
Despite the alarming number of shootings and terrorist attacks with the same hallmarks of fakery, many Conspiracy Theorists continue to give the mainstream media the benefit of the doubt.
They imagine it must be true until proven false.
However, despite years of hoax-shaming from Conspiracy Theorists, it turned out the Autohoaxers were right one hundred percent of the time. They realized that "fake news" went far beyond ideological bias and into simulated news events presented as real. The truth is, the propaganda is more sophisticated and the illusion deeper than the most paranoid conspiracy conjecture from popular conspiracy theorists. Many still refuse to call a hoax a hoax because it undermines years of commentary in which they had it wrong.
Not paying attention is not an option but so too, we must not merely pay attention to the opposition of the mainstream. We are each our own primary source. This is not a license to subjectivism but an insistence upon not accepting the subjective narratives of others as objective fact.
The autobelievers, those who blindly accept what they are told by the mainstream media, are religious fundamentalists. Just as religious fundamentalism becomes volatile and dangerous, so too does the unthinking and blind acceptance of government propaganda make the true believers dangerous and extreme. They are dangerous simply by their influence. Autobelievers largely outnumber autohoaxers.
Why does it matter that the multitudes are overly propagandized? Simple. People power.
George Carlin — 'Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.'
There is power in significant numbers of true believers who decide their belief ought to be universalized. These hoaxed events are used to advance gun control, suppress free expression, and attack independent reporting.
The immersive illusions created by the monolithic media constitute a war on perception.
Choosing not to perceive deliberately puts one in as blind a spot as the blind faith believers. We're almost entirely blinded by screens now. The World Stage isn't perfect yet so we have a window of opportunity before all the glitches and errors have been patched up.
False Flag Fallacy
False flaggers are bearers of false witnesses. Their premise is flawed on several key points. This is largely a matter of miseducation and is correctable.
They start with the assumption that every terror attack is either:
Real, as presented.
Real, but the media is lying about who did it.
False flag theorists aren’t unveiling the truth. They obscure it and redirect free-thinking minds back to the mainstream. These theories serve as guardrails, preventing a third point of view from emerging:
Fake, until proven real with evidence.
The guardrails allow the news media to get away with fabricating events for propaganda purposes. Options 1 and 2 are both World Stage realities. Option 3 is from an Offworld Stage perspective.
In this sense, the false flaggers and the mainstream media are on the same team: Team World Stage.
The difference between a False Flag and a hoax is the difference between a fixed boxing match and World Wrestling Entertainment.
One incorporates actual violence necessarily and the other only simulates it.
None Dare Call It a Hoax
The prevailing wisdom was “don’t automatically call it a hoax,” and “think of the victims and their families.”
Sure we could give suspected actors or propagandists the benefit of the doubt, and then what? Debunk the story after it’s already done its damage? When it’s safe?
The reason I am a full-blown autohoaxer for mainstream events is that today’s unchallenged lies become tomorrow's historical record.
I was somewhat sensitive to the tears of the alleged victims up until the Jussie Smollett thing. Then I realized that the Vast and Living Mainstream Media Echo Chamber has been jumping to conclusions this entire time. Their conclusion is always that their reporting is fact-based and not fake-based. For twenty-four hours, the world media struggled with the attempted lynching of Smollet, unquestioningly, even as my own Youtube channel was not permitted to call a hoax a hoax.
The MSM appears to want a monopoly on calling out hoaxes, so they manufactured the Smollett drama to make it seem like hoaxes are not the norm and they aren’t in on the act.
How can you trust anyone in the media that was duped by Jussie? I wasn’t because I’m not a believer; I’m a knower. If I merely believe something, I won’t tell people I know it. This distinction is crucial if one is to see through the world stage and its tricks.
Believers vs Believers
Believers, those who have outsourced their need to know, live in a world of incomplete or false explanations. They tend to react emotionally when those explanations are challenged because they inconveniently lack any information to replace them.
“Why would they lie?” they naively ask.
When one accepts default established lies, it is like the rug is pulled out from under one’s feet. It’s the shock of infidelity and betrayal that triggers denial.
They would rather deny they have the wrong answer than admit to having been tricked. The larger the group of dupes, the more confident they are in retaining their position and rejecting the new information. They will shoot the messenger for the same reason an unmasked or unvaccinated person will be unwelcome in a quarantined household. Ideas that can break down the integrity of a group are like mind viruses that attack the immune system of the superorganism comprised of fools.
When the basis for the hive mind is undermined, it reacts defensively.
Every political faction, news corporation, religious denomination, or cult has the “truth” from its own perspective. The individual whose views conflict with the group must be converted or marginalized, silenced, and otherwise exiled. Until such individuals are quarantined and their harmful ideas are removed, the group’s existence is threatened. The reactions within the immune system of the media matrix are what the media elite are afraid of.
They don't want individuals to know HOW to see through the fake news. They want you to believe what one side or the other side says without questioning the essential reality. The media elite want Believers vs Believers controlled from the top, not bottom-up grassroots Knowers that can independently discern the truth by reality testing evidence weak or logically fallacious claims.
Masked Minds, Quarantined Thoughts
“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.” ---William Blake
Most lack the education to deconstruct the big deceptions. The existence of a psychological war isn’t immediately apparent to the quarantined minds of the mass media consumers.
Before 2012, nobody outside of the actual psywar operatives knew what a "crisis actor" was. You had to be an insider to have a clue.
We have been under a mental quarantine this entire time. The peaks we get behind the curtain are our only glimpses into somewhere outside of the established worldview. The perspective that we’re being lied to on a deep level, that there are insiders and outsiders, is a major step forward in appreciating just what the world stage is.
To see the system in its entirety one must step outside of it. To question the system’s motives or purpose is to entertain a hypothetical situation in which one might have been deceived.
We are in a closed system and most choose to remain mentally masked and quarantined against ideas that invalidate its claims.
If You’re Not Auto-Hoaxing You’re Not Paying Attention
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ----George Orwell
Originally the term “autohoaxer” was a pejorative used to describe Youtubers who started preemptively treating mass shootings and terror attacks as most likely fake, and therefore worth examining critically before accepting as a real occurrence. This is a response to the sheer volume of psyops, or psychological operations, performed by the media under the guise of news reporting. Think of it as a kind of live-action propaganda.
Once you stop giving the MSM the benefit of the doubt, you are an autohoaxer. This is contrasted with the autobelievers, who assume the MSM to be fundamentally honest in its reporting. They assume the burden of proof has been met prior to the story's publication. It would not occur to the average news consumer to consider the possibility that entire news stories could be fabricated and passed off as real.
Autohoaxing is the automatic rejection of extraordinary claims from all sources, including conspiracy theorists.
Fear is the common thread with all the mainstream narratives used to shepherd mankind around. Fear the skies, fear the invisible, fear the Other, and most of all, fear the fearless and impose the fear on them so we can all unite in the New World Order Fearocracy.
How can you know you have the right answers with zero basis for comparison? You can't. But we are at a time where wrong information is considered a threat to health and national security. One bad meme could start an infodemic that could lead to a pandemic. As though a flat earth meme could cause someone to drive off the edge.
The content labeled as "fringe" or "borderline" can be swept under the rug, and removed from the universe of ideas, but what's left but a new fringe and fewer "wrong ideas" out there?
The more we purify the universe of wrong ideas, the smaller it gets. Are we to believe that if we remove all the wrong answers, and allow only the right, we'll have a perfect society?
What about being accidentally wrong?
If we forgive wrong answers and proffer the correct ones, the wrong answers are rendered irrelevant. To remove the wrong answers, to eliminate distinctions instead of allowing for discernment, doesn’t make the right answers righter. Nor does knowledge of the wrong answers take away from the correctness of the right ones. Truth is its own defense and it stands apart from falsehood. But, if you don’t have a basis for comparison, you wouldn’t know the difference between a lie and the truth.
Mass media is the de facto source of truth today, eclipsing all of the holy books. Anything not mainstream is heretical by today’s standards. The mainstream media does not want competition and derides its competitors as conspiracists, racists, and dangerous insurrectionists.
Is it okay to be wrong out of sheer craziness? Is insanity a defense to spread contrarian ideas or do we quarantine wrongness? Clearly, the aim is to cease the flow of unregulated memes and not to protect the truth. There have always been conspiracies to regulate worldview; this is what religions are. Every news network has the same basic agenda: to propagate a worldview. They are storytellers, not reality-investigators. Nor are they fact-checkers. Conspiracy theorists are technically the ones questioning claims and checking facts.
Questions lead to discoveries. When questions are banned, especially with regard to sensitive topics, we're naturally led to assume someone doesn't want us to discover something. Truth is its own defense. Nobody gets triggered when we question the day of the week; it's easy enough to verify this information. But question the reliability of this or that scientific claim from establishment scientists, and suddenly your questioning is seen as an attack on the scientific method itself and is deemed an existential threat to society.
Questions should not be treated as attacks but rather as opportunities to offer reasonable explanations. Why are the MSM-believers so insecure that non-believers need to be silenced?
Here are a few questions that are not on the FOX News or CNN teleprompters:
“Did anybody really land on the moon?”
"Is climate change real?
“Is the earth flat?”
"What's with occult numerology in politics and entertainment?"
"Are crisis actors unionized?”
This book aims to make the ultimate case for free speech. Call me an optimist, but I believe we are one meme away from unraveling the major deceptions of our time. I like the idea of releasing the stranglehold of establishment science and media over the minds of billions.
Notice how the MSM refers to conspiracy theorists as “hoaxers”. Strange, isn’t it? This would be like a stage magician calling a heckler a magician for disrupting the act by pointing out how the trick is done.
In the movie They Live, the aliens that had taken over the world spotted the protagonist with the sunglasses that allowed him to see through the media deception and reported into her wristwatch:
“We have one that can see!”
Why It Matters
The autobelievers, those who blindly accept what they are told by the mainstream media, are religious fundamentalists. Just as religious fundamentalism becomes volatile and dangerous, so too does the unthinking and blind acceptance of government propaganda make the true believers dangerous and extreme. They are dangerous simply by their influence. Autobelievers largely outnumber autohoaxers.
Why does it matter that the multitudes are overly propagandized? Simple. People power. There is power in great numbers of true believers who decide their belief ought to be universalized. These hoaxed events are used to advance gun control, suppress free expression, and attack independent reporting. Expecting the media to report facts during tragic events when the rest of what they do is biased, partisan, corrupt, and unreliable is the epitome of naivety.
One more thing: there are some who are lumped in with autohoaxers because of their knee-jerk disbelief in anything reported in the mainstream media. Automatically disbelieving without substantiating the disbelief is not the same thing as shifting the burden of proof in the case of extraordinary claims. Autohoaxing is the epitome of discernment whereas not paying adequate attention is tantamount to nihilism. Those who call everything fake but don't have a rational basis for their claims are considered "auto-disbelievers' ' and are just only slightly better off than true believers in the world stagery.
Reality Scrutiny vs Reality Denialism
The real denialists are the ones with the digital blindfolds outsourcing the task of processing the real world to mediators.
When someone calls a sensational news story fake, it is often taken to be a sign of confusion or denialism. After all, why wouldn't one believe what's on a screen, right in front of one's eyes?
Perhaps it's because one is a skeptic and no longer accepts the visual equivalent of hear-say, that is to say, see-say, as primary evidence.
The screen is a filter, and to not recognize it as such is denialism. To question the integrity of the filtered message is an attempt to get closer to the truth than the screen allows.
There is a spectrum of skepticism, ranging from knee-jerk non-believers to skeptical analysts.
Autobelievers accept MSM-propagated fears without vetting them and tremble accordingly.
Auto-disbelievers are left with uncertainty and nihilism and whatever comfort can be derived from contrarianism. To disregard the news automatically with no standard of counter-evidence isn't a move in the direction of knowledge.
The Autohoaxer is inoculated against irrational fear-based mind viruses and sticks to what can be known.
Worldview warfare is a war on perception. Choosing not to perceive is to accept an epistemological blind spot.
We're almost entirely blinded by screens now.
There is no opt-out of the world stage and the Whirled War. The best we can do is avoid the radicalized participants and associate and network with other conscientious objectors. Perpetual psywar is the new normal.
"Keep your mask on", they will say or "you're crazy" for advocating reason over faith.
The combination of gaslighting and peer pressure is usually enough to preserve the biggest secrets, the ones hidden in plain sight.
If you are spotting glitches in the matrix, patterns in the program, or odd bits of synchronicity out in the open yet seemingly invisible to the masses, then you're an Initiate into the reality of the World Stage and its machinations.
If ridiculousness was the standard of what is and is not tolerable, there would be very few opinions at all, considering how simple it is to construct a strawman mischaracterization of an opponent's views and proceed to ridicule and attack it. Besides, "ridiculous" is a subjective opinion, and those who laugh at absurd conspiracy theories are usually guilty of believing just as many ridiculous things but popular ridiculous things don’t get openly ridiculed. A large enough cult becomes a religion, and with size comes perceived credibility. Mass media is the dominant world religion and it is the standard of truth, like it or not. All mass media accepts the existence of the moon landing, the official story of 9/11/01, and most establishment history and science. This is true no matter which side of the political spectrum one is on.
Mass media is a monolith, globally. World government is united backstage and one of their main strategies to remain concealed is the targeted gaslighting of critical thinkers.
The Mainstream Media now functions openly as a ministry of propaganda, a terrorist network, and as a spokes mouth for the powerful. The MSM myths, lies, and narratives have so contaminated the well of information that no outlet is immune from the parameters it sets on political discourse.
The MSM has the power to shape the world into whatever they want it to; but only because the consensus gives it that power.
Alternative media is just an extension of the mainstream version. To the extent that any media network or individual reporter treats the extraordinary claims or psyop events as factual claims and events, they are not independent.
It is apparent that Media is now synonymous with Church. In fact, I would contend that the Media as an institution serves as the priesthood of the world's biggest religion. Government as religion. It is complete with original sin and a new eschatology to replace Revelations in the form of Carbon Footprints and Climate Doomsday punishments for polluters.
The priests of the news media in particular serve to express the will of the gods, who we know as the world's technocrats, self-anointed elitists, and totalitarian-minded political leaders.
Media as an institution, both corporate and independent, suffers from its dependency on consensus agreement. The trouble is, the views of the consensus don't necessarily reflect a fact-based reality. If a news outlet reports on crime statistics that are artificially inflated by propaganda stories fed to the public as real, then of what viability is their reporting? And when one's views do reflect reality, one is subject to the judgment of the reality impaired to whom one's facts may be inconvenient.
The pool of information from which we are to assemble a cohesive view of what is actually happening has been corrupted by misinformation, disinformation, myths, hearsay, and lies.
What must be done if we are to transition from fake into real:
We must take away the power of the media to mediate by self-mediating.
reduce the influence of the priesthood by exposing the mechanics of mass deception. A large enough parallel media network can shake the public’s faith in the priesthood itself without attempting to replace one set of mediators with another.
minimize their destructive impact by using true investigative journalism to expose how there is no separation between the government and media, and what is reported is often propaganda designed to terrorize the viewers.
If the monolithic media’s goal, and so it appears to be, is to promulgate atrocity propaganda in order to scare the population into compliance, then the media is in fact the terrorist. Therefore, the goal of a parallel media should be to disbelieve in the propaganda as aggressively as they insist we believe it.
The main change is this shifting the burden of proof. This also assumes the burden of perception
This is a volatile topic. You can't critically discuss propaganda events without looking cruel and heartless.
Reverse engineering mass-mediated events are now taboo. We are expected to accept the televised visual lies at screen-value, with minimal skepticism.
Questioning the claims of mass media is tantamount to blasphemy and in recent years has been associated with hate, anti-science attitudes, and sociopathy.
I prefer “media analyst” to “conspiracy theorist”. I was never a conspiracy theorist in the first place. Most conspiracy theories are just variants of the mainstream narratives, which are conspiracies themselves.
Now "medical misinformation" has entered the public lexicon to justify further censorship to stop non-believers from recklessly endangering the entire world. Self-proclaimed "Science Guy" Bill Nye has posited locking up climate-change "denialists".
Rejecting establishment science is not denialism. Denying a fallacious claim or an outright lie is not denialism. The scientific method is intended to rule out fallacies, whereas establishment science is less of a methodology and more of a set of established beliefs.
Now with the pandemic, there is a more immediate set of concerns to be played upon with regard to scaring the public about the spread of ideas. The public has been conditioned to fear infodemics more than pandemics and even to correlate the two. After all, if everyone believed in vaccinations, there would be no plague; at least, that's the fallacious reasoning.
The non-belief of others is not tolerable in such a deadly situation. This is why atheists are seen as foolhardy and foolish for cavorting with the devil. Disobedience in the individual is a threat to the collective.
I think conspiracy discussion for its own sake ought to be an unassailable genre because if you aren't free to be wrong, how free are you? The point of inciting fear in the general public about those who question mainstream narratives is to correlate the anti-vaxxers with anti-government, anti-authority, and antisocial attitudes.
The mainstream media has stitched together a strawman by linking all conspiracy theories together.
Why Reality Matters
"Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life" --- Oscar Wilde
Popular conspiracy theories are used to reinforce mainstream media deceptions. I describe how free-thinkers are routinely brought back into the mental paddock. Many well-intentioned truthers have unwittingly helped to bury the truth.
The truth buried by misguided conspiracy theorists is the media is not reporting factual events to inform you; they are reporting stories to ensure conformity of thought.
For those that see through fake news events, there are ready-made conspiracy theories to explain away all the glitches you take note of.
Here is the shocking truth: conspiracy theories and many popular conspiracy theories are part of the government-entertainment-media-complex.
“Autohoaxers” are those deconstructing the news and recognizing the psychological operations inherent in its dominant narratives. We are not conspiracy theorists. We're media analysts, critics, and deconstructionists. Our operating premise is “fake until proven real if fakeable if there is a clear agenda to the story”.
The conspiracy theorists are the ones running around hunting the bad guy, inserting hypothetical scapegoats into their assessments while grasping for a cohesive explanation.
There are three primary ways people interpret propaganda or public relations stunts disguised as terror attacks, shootings, or hate crimes:
The mainstream non-conspiratorial view, or MSM.
The conspiratorial view, adding up the existing narrative, or MSM+
The autohoaxing view, questioning the premise set by the MSM and removing unverifiable claims, or MSM-
Most people trust their sources of news. Their assumption is that if something is fake, it will be exposed like Jussie Smolliet’s hoaxed attempted lynching. I maintain that the mainstream media provides 48 hours of news every day and therefore leaves most people at the mercy of their news providers. Most are left to outsource their intelligence gathering, understandably, but this results in a disparity between known facts and accepted beliefs.
Media consumers have been rendered into believers more than knowers.
MSM true believers constitute the majority. Political opinions may vary but both sides argue about the same lies.
Conspiracy theorists generally assume the mainstream media to be telling the truth about the death toll or the event itself, but they assume the shooter was a “patsy” or a “mind-controlled assassin.” Their additional claims constitute the “+”, the additional variables. Conspiracy theorists, too, are in the category of believers more than knowers.
MSM and MSM+ are in fact the dominant narrative and the counter-narrative. Both operate within the parameters of the world stage as defined by the MSM. Both accept televised news as an authority.
Whether you consider the pandemic to be caused by a virus or 5G towers, you are firmly grounded on the MSM world stage. But what if there wasn’t a wave of deaths? Whether you believe 9/11/01 was done by Muslims or by the Deep Stage with Space Lasers, your feet are grounded in the MSM augmented reality. What if there were no planes? Is it really that safe of an assumption that lots of people died? My contention here is that MSM and MSM+ offer two versions of the same lies.
Holding media accountable for their claims is the first step to differentiating between real news and simulated news. Simulated, not stimulated.
Conspiracy theorists believe the government is causing things and the media reports them, for example, school shootings. They call these “false flags.” This implies real events stimulated by a hidden hand. The trouble with this explanation is it assumes the media itself is merely reporting real events. This both exonerates the media and conceals their actual role as world-view fabricators, rather than news reporters.
Real reporters are excluded from the world-stage media, and tolerated as “extras” at best. Viewpoints that contradict MSM lies are canceled or ignored while MSM+, or false flag conspiracy theories, get promotional negative coverage. Those that decline to believe in the events reported on are not given the attention of those that believe and embellish.
The most important distinction between the MSM, MSM+ and MSM- points of view is that the MSM- view actually includes additional facts than those published on conventional channels. So in addition to subtracting the unverifiable, there is the addition of the verifiable information.
This means the Autohoaxer is not a “denier” of any facts but a “non-believer”, whereas those true believers and wild conspiracy theorists could be considered “believers” in myths.
This distinction is critical. My contention is that big media is the new universal religion and it is a faith-based belief system rooted in myths, not necessarily fact-based.
The believer vs. knower distinction is the core of the “autohoaxer” concept.
Here are a few key points I’d like to clarify in this regard:
Autohoaxer- one who requires evidence for claims made by pathologically lying media, especially when the claims are extraordinary.
Autobeliever- one who assumes what is televised to be true. Their assumption is that the fake news or hoaxes would be exposed by the reporters or journalists. Their error stems from both blind conformity, and the false premise that reporters aren’t part of the production process. So they see reporters as bystanders with cameras, watching a scene unfold, rather than as a reality-television production crew, which is what they essentially are.
I apply a “fakeability test” to likely or suspected fake news. This is simply asking questions such as: can this or that event be faked? Is it fakeable, and if so, on what scale?
Without this test, which is only a series of questions, an Autobeliever would not be able to claim to know absolutely if something is true. If someone claims that a news event has to be real because they saw a Tweet about it, they must at least be able to admit whether such a thing is possible to fake. What I find is that true believers don’t know how much fakery is even possible, much less in common use.
The people who automatically believe the news don’t understand what the MSM is, or how centralized its storytelling is. They lack an understanding of publicity stunts, psychological operations, and worldview warfare being waged under the guise of entertainment. As such, they really do “catch” mind viruses. The censors in high places want the public to fear memes because one might “catch” whatever bad ideas are contained therein. I scoffed at that notion because I consciously reject bad ideas.
But what if the ideal citizen of the future lacks the ability to deliberately reject ideas but is a passive recipient of programming and instructions?
Lacking any ability to distinguish between arbitrary bad and good or real and fake in the human world of moral relativism is a survival trait. Ignorance is a prerequisite for inclusion.
Those of us that know the difference, and more importantly, know how to tell the difference, are the snakes in the Garden of Eden, proffering red-pill apples to the blissful, naked larpers immersed in a veritable simulation.
Entertainment As Supplemental Programming
Predictive Programming is a form of emotional and psychological preparation or mental drilling to set one's expectations for a preplanned psychological operation on the news.
For instance, if you wanted to convince the public that there are real-life threats on the Internet that hide behind masks and send radicals to shoot people in grocery stores or subways, the first step would be to saturate the public imagination with imagery and entertainment media which supports this premise. Then, when the staged event occurs, the public's perceptual biases, having been rendered suggestible in advance, will more likely than not accept the story as real at face value.
All mainstream entertainment reinforces mainstream propaganda.
Entertainment or other media which reinforce the messaging of contemporary psyops, such as Climate Fiction, would constitute concurrent programming.
Mass media foreshadowing events isn't the result of coincidence. There are no coincidences in a script. The psuedonews events directing the lives of the masses are scripted and presented as real by the same screens projecting the entertainment media.
These are reinforced by celebrities who bridge the gap between simulated news events and reality. Since they are presumed to be in the real world, their endorsement of an event makes it real.
Mass media foreshadowing gives away the basic fact that you’re seeing a story being acted out. Events predicted or mirrored in the entertainment media are guaranteed fake. This would include instances of faked celebrity deaths attended by mysterious and enigmatic conspiracy theories. In real life, people don’t mysteriously predict their own deaths.
Hyper-Mediated to Self-Mediated
The media does its job so well that people don't even seem to notice they're being mediated anymore. The media is the church of state propagating a secular world-spanning religion complete with eschatology in the form of ecological catastrophe to punish man for his eco-sins.
The hyper-mediated live in a worldview promulgated and reinforced by the media, infused with perception management and pseudo-science. If you're not paranoid, you're not paying attention to the nightly news. It's a paranoia-inducing nightmare, which is why most people are either morbidly fascinated or utterly turned off.
Pseudonews is the concept the term "fake news" was meant to bury. But even “fake news” doesn't encompass high-budget government productions known as Psychological Operations.
The public's trust in mediation has left it in the exact state as believers in any religion, which offers explanations for world events, a context within which it all makes sense. The media priests are there to facilitate your programming.
The instant one chooses to take responsibility for disbelieving lies, one is self-mediated. This entails a recognition of false explanations one has accepted and the acceptance of many as of yet unanswered, albeit ultimately answerable questions.
Time Wasting Rabbit Trails
"...follow the white rabbit." ---Trinity to Neo, The Matrix
Conspiracy theories generally refer to the alternative explanations for the alleged facts in the reported news. These are meant to entertain and tie up those minds who might otherwise see through the mediation itself.
Nearly every conspiracy theory exaggerates the power of the suspected conspirators to the point where they are now an elite, all-powerful cabal. They deepen the existing mediation. Instead of calling out the big lies, people are dragged into little clues of hidden truths deeper within.
This is analogous to people who aren't convinced of religion's claims and so seek deeper meaning but never quite find evidence for their god, or their devil, outside of faith.
Notice how conspiracy theorists never meet Q's army of "white hats," nor are the blood-drinking bad guys ever exposed to the light?
Psychological Operations and False Leads
Psychological Operations are used to insert pseudonews events into the MSM as real events. The very existence of psyops is understood today by most so-called "truthers."
Truthers who don't trust the official mainstream accounts of terrorist attacks or school shootings will gravitate toward
Every popular conspiracy theorist traffic in these "false flag" stories as their stock in trade. I contend that these are there to conceal psychological operations. Here are a few things to take note of
False flag theories are based on Operation Northwood, a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).
This false explanation has been pushed by suspected controlled opposition and many others serving as media guardrails unintentionally.
Even though false flags have never been proven, this conspiracy theory never ceases to be used as an explanation for psychological operations.
Psychological Operations, or psyops, make more sense for several reasons. There is no reason to kill people during the production of perfectly legal propaganda for the nightly news. Death at a psyop would be as problematic as a death on a Hollywood movie set.
The special effects handle all the carnage you need.
Real death would be undesirable and unnecessary. It would turn a legal film production event into a war crime. The false flaggers insist these psuedonews events are real. As long as the events are assumed to be real, then the logical question is to ask, "who done it?"
Every scapegoat story is another diversion away from the truth. Psuedonews events are superimposed over reality. Much like indoctrination into false doctrines. The deceptions are reinforced by the ensuing, misguided hunt for a villain. Meanwhile, the propaganda has done its work. 9/11 Truthers, who are still trying to blame someone other than Islam, are caught in this trap. They believe the scapegoat story about Osama Bin Laden is the wrong scapegoat. In the fight over scapegoats, an entire generation of truthers has chased the CIA's white rabbits, meanwhile wandering ever deeper into hyper-mediation.
False Flag explanations put one into a deeper state of mediation because these explanations proceed with an assumed reality of the events.
All Scripted Simulated News Events Occur Within The World Stage Metacript
The metascript is the story within which all the other stories take place, the place where entertainment fiction and psuedonews fiction merge. This would include the eschatological script inherent in the climate change narrative, a secular doomsday. Those who believe we're following a path to civilizational destruction in ten years because of our eco-sins are following a metascript.
The Bible is another metascript. So is the Koran. There are competing worldviews, and the dominant ones today are fighting over the interpretation of reality. This interpretation, this official worldview, is the religion used to conform to the minds of the believers.
Media, not traditional religion, is now the opiate of the masses.
The mainstream mediated worldview is the state church today. It is the new living bible. They write it as they go, but it follows the big story and remains within those parameters. It's no different than a highly curated holy book. Its authority is just as suspect.
The mass media is telling myths. Against the backdrop of real news, real culture, and real happenings, they have their metastory, which is nothing more than a pre-scripted history that the day-to-day happenings are conformed to.
Pre-scripting in the entertainment media foreshadowing future psyops is the rule, not the exception. What part of nightly propaganda isn't setting the stage for future scenes? There is mainstream pre-scripting and foreshadowing for uncritical thinkers, and there are alternative explanations and rabbit trails for those who look closer.
The metascript contains scripts that create rabbit trails to lead people to false flag conclusions, rather than calling it all fake.
Ultimately the false flag conclusion hides the psyop behind narratives. For example, to debate how much global warming man is causing assumes the existence of global warming itself. If one rejects that as anything but a belief, then debating the degree of change is outside of reality.
Leaving the mediated worldview behind means leaving behind its monsters and its doomsdays. So long as you're in their artificial reality construct, you're subject to its fears.
The false flag conspiracy theories all operate within the mainstream metascript. There is no meaningful distinction to be made between news media and entertainment media.
Planted hints of media foreknowledge demonstrate that the psychological operations are written into the metascript and that the foreshadowing isn't predictive as much as it's preparatory. Entertainment and news reporting follow the same metascript.
Duper's delight is an emotional boost, or thrill, that some people get when they successfully cheat or deceive another person or organization. The rush they enjoy can lead them to repeat their dishonesty, even when there's no reward other than the high itself.
When a crisis actor’s duper’s delight show or a green screen special effect fails, it breaks the spell and reveals the stage for what it is.
Knowing what is really going on, rather than believing popular myths, is the only way to remain undupable.
Autohoaxers are the only ones who get it right: the World Stage is real. It's part magic show, part reality television, and part news reporting. The artificial reality construct and its metascripts are now laid bare for anyone to see.
When you're at home watching Netflix, you're at the de facto state church. The entertainment is a side-effect of the programming, of being surreptitiously indoctrinated into the church of state.
What do we do about this? The answer is simple. We need to see through the special effects and movie magic. The more that see, the greater the possible apostasy.
Right now, simulation overpowers reality because the mediated minds comprise most of the population. The metaverse is consuming the meatverse.
The reason I am a full-blown “auto-hoaxer” for mainstream events is that today’s unchallenged lies become tomorrow's historical record.
I was somewhat sensitive to the tears of the alleged victims up until the Jussie Smollett thing.
Then I realized that the Vast and Living Mainstream Media Echo Chamber has been jumping to conclusions this entire time. Their conclusion is always fake-based and facts are secondary. If you recall, for twenty-four hours, the world media struggled with the attempted lynching of Smolliet. My own Youtube channel was not permitted to call this hoax a hoax. Not until after the MSM had exposed it.
The MSM appears to want a monopoly on calling out hoaxes, and I suspect they manufactured the Smollett drama to make it seem like hoaxes are not the exception not the rule, and that they aren’t in on the act.
How can you trust anyone in the media that was duped by Jussie? I wasn’t because I’m not a believer; I’m more of a knower. If I merely believe something, I don’t tell people I know it. This distinction is crucial if one is to see through the world stage and its tricks.
My point is that I know what’s going on. I don’t believe the cover stories. Our reality is rigged, the coverup is ongoing. The actors remain in character in order to maintain a separation of their pretend reality from the real one. When a crisis actor grins or a green screen special effect fails, it breaks the spell and reveals the stage for what it is.
Knowing what is really going on, rather than believing popular myths, is the only way to remain undupable. This first requires one to recognize where one has already been duped.
Exit The Echochamber Enter The Think Tank
Right now simulation overpowers reality because the mediated minds comprise most of the population. The metaverse is consuming the meatverse. Many conspiracy researchers equate seeing through big lies with a need to go full-NEO and take up a struggle against the Agent Smiths.
I think the MSM wants to paint the picture that Conspiracy Radicals are the new Religious Radicals which is why they created “Q” and Qanon: to equate the conspiratorial and non-MSM takes on world events with radical fundamentalism.
One cannot blindly believe the cover stories and know the truth. Our reality is rigged and the coverup is an ongoing process of worldview curation.
The World Stage Media and its actors remain in character in order to maintain a separation between the augmented reality and the real one. This keeps the masses living as though the propaganda is real and the facts have already been vetted.
The Infinite Plane Society Think Tank is ground zero of a separate media network consisting of media-skeptics apprised of the weapons of psywar as they are employed on the world stage.
The goal is to grow this breakaway “parallel media” as we term it. We are informed and apprised of the agendas beneath the surface, not merely up to date with the latest misinformation.
I readily admit to not having all the answers. This is a work in progress. I envision the work of understanding the world behind the illusions as a gigantic puzzle with millions of pieces, far too large for one person to complete in a lifetime but my plan with Infinite Plane Media is to grow a broad base of perceivers in a world of believers, a separate and parallel media entity that relies upon the individual perceivers to self mediate instead of outsourcing to reality gatekeepers.
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