Nobody on the Flat Earth debate circuit has exhibited a better understanding of logical fallacies, both formal and informal, than WitsitGetsIt. Therefore, I contend he cannot honestly believe in Chemtrails. Does he claim these exist? If so, he must overlook the fallacious basis for accepting Chemtrail-belief.
At a bare minimum, Chemtrail Belief requires at least half a dozen logical fallacies and dishonest forms of argumentation, including:
Loaded Questions
Emotional Appeals
Shifting the Burden of Proof
Moving Goal Posts
Faulty Causality
Appeals to Ignorance
Appeals to Motive
Arguments from Incredulity
I asked him on X as a matter of record:
Should he claim that chemtrails exist using some or all of the logical fallacies this requires, we must ask ourselves why. I have my suspicions, but let’s await his answer first and see what he cites as evidence.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
Per your expertise, if the crisscrosses across the sky are not chemtrails they are exhaust and be considered pollution and that's okay.
Hey Tim, my father being an aircraft engineer, and brother a military pilot, both chemtrail alarmists, I have a thorough and lifelong understanding of the Appleman chart and temp/RH required to produce persistent contrail formation.
What’s odd, take a place like Phoenix, which according to NOAA data does not have a single day on a yearly basis that could even be close to producing the -40C+ temps and humidity required, yet they experience persistent contrail formation even during the hottest summer days. Hundreds of amateur videos from any date you type all across the Arizona desert, you’re asking us to ignore our own eyes, thousands of water and air quality samples with repeatable results, hundreds of government whistle blowers, and the well established and understood physics of flight, but why? 🤔
Who are you running interference for in regards to stratospheric atmosphere injections? They are certainly happening, two planes streak the sky, one’s contrail dissipates immediately, the other fans to a milky white haze spreading in the sky. Are we to assume the second plane hit an errant patch of humidity and super cold air the first one missed? Bruh 🤦♂️. These articles in regards to SAI are cointel-pro, controlled disinformation.
As a long time reader, I challenge you to find one singular day in Phoenix, Arizona that produced the correct atmospheric conditions at jet stream height for persistent contrail formation using historical weather balloon air column data which is available 2x a day for Phoenix for the last 50+ years. Look at as many years as you need! (Hint: It doesn’t exist)
Idk why you are running interference on ongoing geo-engineering operations, but it’s clear they anre occurring in order to trap radiative heat and keep global boiling alive during a solar minimum cycle. What isn’t clear is why you don’t want us to look up? Your intentions here are opaque, like my sky!