If you autobelieve the MSM, then it does. It chooses what should matter and preselects for you a collection of interchangeable current things and priorities.
If you distrust the MSM but augment the screened reality it presents with additional information provided by alternative and independent outlets, you’re in a deeper level of deception.
Who frames my reality? I do, because I suspend judgment, subtract the unverifiable claims presented in the screened version of events, and proceed from there. The rush to judgment approach to media consumption is a lose-lose proposition when we’re offered two competing mutually exclusive versions of every significant event from a limited selection of options. Whoever chooses these options is never a question raised by those taking sides, leading with their cognitive biases as they do.
Key point: when the starting point for any story is the establishment media frame of reference, the conclusions reached will always be their narrative over truth. Even if one rejects the establishment story by choosing alternative narratives, one is still in their world-stage alternate reality game.
The only way out of the mediated world stage, this great deception, is stepping out of the 24-hour news cycle. I make it a point not to agree that something is true as it is reported, in real time. The truth takes time to surface and the media leads with narrative, not fact-based reportage. I do not mean tuning out. On the contrary, I advocate looking deeper, but doing so as a skeptic. Think about it: does it make sense that in the Information Age, we should still be a world of believers, rather than a world of knowers? No. Perception has been hijacked by mediation. This is the Misinformation Age by design.
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Tim Ozman,
IPR Host