Was Tim Truth Justified in Storming Off Fakeologist Over 9/11 Fakery Claims?
Weighing the facts...
I listened to Tim Truth on Fakeologist ([Fakeologist Show] FAK759-TimTruth storms off https://podcastaddict.com/fakeologist-show/episode/163664785) and here are my thoughts:
They both see the media as liars but disagree as to the extent. At least with regard to 9/11/01.
My main point starting off is that if any part of an event is fake, then the entire thing needs to be re-examined.
The presence of crisis actors proves it was a movie set. If they really killed people on a propaganda movie set, then all those actors and crew are now complicit and party to a mass murder, a conspiracy, and a war crime. Real deaths (like murdering children to score anti-gun political points) would exponentially increase the likelihood of a whistleblower.
What actor with one or two lines is going to be the face of the murder of three thousand people?
Tim Truth left the Fakeologist show because he didn’t want to be associated with the “nobody died on 9/11” explanation.
Tim Truth uses the “appeal to motive” fallacy to assert people did die, because, “they” are so bad how can we say they wouldn’t kill people? That’s not an argument for real deaths. It’s a prejudiced statement that assumes he knows who “they” are, and that “they” are so evil we can safely assume they kill people. Are they Muslims, Jews, Satanists, or a cabal of some kind? This appeal to motive is considered a special case of the ad hominem circumstantial argument.
Tim Truth asserts that no planes were used on 9/11/01.
He doesn’t explain why they didn’t kill people in planes.
He therefore would have to agree the official death toll is lower than 3000, as the airplane passengers would have to be subtracted.
No plane at the Pentagon subtracts even more deaths.
No plane at Shanksville, PA subtracts more from the death toll.
Moreover, the death toll has been falsified.
Given that 2/3’s of the attacks are misreported, the entire thing needs to be re-examined in light of this information. The burden of proof that people died is no longer on the truther who has falsified the official story, but on the ones making the extraordinary claim—-the MSM.
If there were no planes as Tim Truth agrees then where are those people? Those families need to be questioned. How is this not just as offensive as the Fakeologist’s proposition?
Is "NOBODY DIED ON FLIGHT 11” less offensive than “NOBODY DIED ON 9/11”?
A Central Contradiction:
If nobody died in the planes that did not exist, then he admits the mass media CAN and DID commit a psyop/hoax in these other locations which would imply
a) mass casualty simulation actors
b) government complicity.
c) media complicity.
He readily admits they were faking mass casualty events on that day but he left the Fakeologist show over the lack of respect for 9/11 victims. He said he had to “push back” against no-death claims. This is a glaring contradiction. In other words: the Pentagon attack— FAKE; Shanksville— FAKE; Twin Towers—FAKE —but some deaths might have occurred so tread carefully on the “nobody died” claims.
If the other two scenes are fake then the burden of proof for claiming real deaths falls on the mass media and not the media skeptics. Just as one is not a “climate change denialist” if one hasn’t found the evidence compelling, one is not a 9/11 death denier. The evidence must come first to be denied. You don’t have to debunk that which has not been bunked.
The term “denialist” is a mainstream media weapon to unfairly shift the burden of proof. To demand truthers prove people didn’t die, to prove a negative, isn’t a fair burden. There are too many plane-shaped holes in this story for us to accept the burden of proof. Show us bodies or nobody died.
In the case of 9/11/01, it can be argued that the burden was shifted effectively by Truthers years ago. Anyone clinging to 9/11 deaths is in fact carrying water for the terrorist media.
This raises another point: 9/11/01 is not an anomaly. There were psyops before and have been after. You can't look at these events in isolation. The pattern has been established that nobody dies at any of these propaganda perception management events. If some people died in the Twin Towers, they would in fact be anomalous.
Examining 9/11/01 in isolation would be like watching a convincing moon landing in 2024 and concluding, "Well, space is real!" when all the previous lunar landings were clearly fake.
Undeniably, movie magic was used on 9/11/01 to simulate terror attacks. It is reasonable and logical to conclude that it was produced, perpetrated, and performed by the same media that produced previous and subsequent psychological operations. The predictive programming is so voluminous that to exclude it from your overall analysis is negligent.
The assertion people died is based on mass media claims that don’t hold up to skeptical inquiry. Appeals to emotion (but what about the feeeeeeeeeelings of the victim’s families?) never seem to ask about the minds and feelings of the targets of the psywar itself: the public.
The skeptics have the moral highground. 9/11/01 was a terrorist attack in one sense: It was a psychological blow to the media believers. Anyone insisting it was real is actually on the side of the State’s Terror Apparatus: the monolithic media’s worldview shaping power. Defending media psyops justifies all the increased control it assumes.
Enough of the official account and death toll has been falsified. The burden of proof isn’t (not that it ever should have been) on the skeptic.
My final point is this:
If it is beyond the pale to suggest something was fake and we all played according to that rule, then we would never have thought ourselves out of the mental labyrinth they placed us in.
Appeals to emotion are manipulative tactics to bypass critical thinking and silence critics. The Mass Media has long ago lost the benefit of the doubt and with good reason. Their primary power is FAKEABILITY. They faked a nuclear bomb to place humanity into a collective hostage situation, obliterate objective reality, and reframe geopolitics into a fear-based paradigm around those with the power to fake reality.
They keep teasing a WW3 to remind us that their finger is always poised and ready to press that button of mutually assured destruction. Their fear is used to paralyze thought. Ignorance keeps that fear alive. Gatekeeping the truth keeps people in the dark where they are prey to weaponized superstition and emotional manipulation.
I will never allow an alt-media Truther or a Mainstream Liar to tell me to respect the dominant narratives as real until proven fake. It’s fake until proven real because we have already established that mass media actually are: a world-view shaping mechanism that promulgates contemporary myths, superstitions, and paradigm-shaping explanations.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
Worldly conspiracy theorists don't understand how close they are to being delivered from all fears and torments. Their eyes have been opened, but they stubbornly refuse to receive comfort. They've made a big investment in angst, and they want to hang on to it. Thus, the only thing worse than a huge conspiracy involving many awful deaths is a huge conspiracy involving no deaths at all. The implications of "nobody died and nobody got hurt" are immense. We're being served an invaluable revelation about the nature of this reality.
Isaiah 66:4
4 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.
The following verses are from an apocryphal section of the Bible. These verses neatly describe the process by which our eyes are opened. At first we're alarmed and tormented by the revelations, because everything we thought we knew about this reality was wrong. If we remain humbly receptive then eventually we'll be brought to a fuller understanding, one which provides great comfort. But if we prefer not to be comforted then we will be returned to the mindset of fear and dread.
Ecclesiasticus 4:17-19
17 For at the first she (wisdom) will walk with him by crooked ways, and bring fear and dread upon him, and torment him with her discipline, until she may trust his soul, and try him by her laws.
18 Then will she (wisdom) return the straight way unto him, and comfort him, and shew him her secrets.
19 But if he go wrong, she (wisdom) will forsake him, and give him over to his own ruin.
Ecclesiasticus 3:24-26
24 For many are deceived by their own vain opinion; and an evil suspicion hath overthrown their judgment.
25 Without eyes thou shalt want light: profess not the knowledge therefore that thou hast not.
26 A stubborn heart shall fare evil at the last; and he that loveth danger shall perish therein.
The book of John couldn't be more clear about the Comforter, which is also the Spirit of Truth. An anxious and worldly mind cannot receive it:
John 14:16-18
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.