Unbelievable Coincidences Surrounding The Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest Festival
Retroautohoaxing The 10/1/17 Harvest Festival Psyop
The fake mass shooting at a 33-year-old Jason Aldean concert was staffed with actors, 50 of whom took part in a follow-up country music club shooting in Thousand Hoax, California. This follow-up shooting happened as a simulation involving 50 crisis actors was being staged down the street.
“And now, at least some of them belong to a group that seems uniquely American: survivors of two mass shootings….Nicholas Champion, a fitness trainer from Southern California who posted a group photo on Facebook of Vegas survivors gathering at the Borderline in April, said in a television interview. “I was at the Las Vegas Route 91 mass shooting as well as probably 50 or 60 others who were in the building at the same time as me tonight.”
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/08/us/shooting-california-thousand-oaks.html
Weirdly, there was a drill nearby this second shooting attended by 50 crisis actors:
“In a tragic coincidence, doctors and staff at Salem Health Hospitals & Clinics ran a mass casualty exercise Thursday — with about 50 high school students posing as victims — mere hours after a gunman opened fire Wednesday in a Southern California bar”

What are the odds? 50 repeat victims and 50 crisis actors doing a drill nearby inspired by the Las Vegas shooting:
“The drill, planned long before Wednesday's shooting, allowed hospital officials to field test new emergency response practices that Salem Health adopted based on information and lessons from the Las Vegas and Pulse nightclub mass shootings.”
Finally, let’s not forget that Maui Police Chief John Pelletier, who presided over the response to the led the response to the 2017 Vegas massacre officiated over the Maui mass casualty Psyop.
We’ll discuss this live later.
Tim Ozman,
IPR, Host