Twitter Bird to 'X', The Dove and Cross, and Doge Days Veneration of Sirius The Blazing Star
Symbolism and Metascript
We are in the DOGE DAY of summer. This means that SIRIUS, the Freemasonic “god star” now behind the sun, must be venerated by the members of the cult in cryptic ways.
TwitterX’s new slogan has been announced:
The new slogan for X is “Blaze your glory!”
Sirius is the “Blazing Star.
SIRIUS, from the Greek word “seirios,” meaning “lit” or glowing.” Now look at Musk’s glowing ‘X’ cross:
The shining X was likely a Sirius ritual and the cross and dove have long been Christian symbols:
“The broadest understanding of the dove appeared with the advent of Christianity.”
I am positing that the bird to X has an inner meaning and ties into the occult interpretation of commonly observed Christian symbols.
Here’s more on the Freemasonic significance of Sirius according to Albert Pike: