Twitter Truther @1Nicdar is spreading fabricated quotes by Mel Gibson in which the actor has exposed Hollywood “as the hub of satanic child sacrifice”. Other falsely attributed statements claim Hollywood studios are “drenched in the blood of innocent children”.
It is claimed Mel Gibson says that the consumption of “baby blood” is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own. His 109,500 followers all believe the rumors even without Mel Gibson’s endorsement. Mel Gibson has long been a Qanon-cultist favorite whom they believe is a “white hat” fighting the “Deep State.”
These quotes are demonstrably false but Twitter accounts with large followings spread this stuff and their followers, Qanon cultists lap it up, gladly sharing their own fantasies that involve the mass murder of Hollywood celebrities.
This is not new and I don’t see it stopping. The Red Pilled are just as divorced from reality as the Woke are. Both are saturated in lies and misinformation and don’t care because what we essentially have is a shouting contest in which sheer noise is all that matters in the end.
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Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
Systematically categorizing all resistance to the main scripts as controlled opposition is a grave mistake. Some fake "truthers" lie or propound nonsense to discredit all opposition. Some are just mistaken and some are near the truth. Discerning who is who is worthwhile. Broad brush doesn't work well for artists or analysts.
Fortunately, not all truthers and would be truthers are not QAnon nut cases.