1. First thing to point out: the "STORMY Daniels" case is the reason. This perfectly ties into The Calm Before The Storm
2. The raid on Mar-a-Lago was on 8/8/22. Trump's TEXT number is 88022
3. The date of the Indictment 3/30/23 is 33 weeks and 3 days from the Mar-a-Lago raid
4. Trump's initial campaign stop in Waco coincides with the Netflix show WACO: American Apocalypse. At this rally, he said 2024 is "the Final Battle," an obvious Armageddon reference.
5. ‘Joker’ sequel scene to be filmed outside Trump grand jury courthouse
3/30 is the 42nd anniversery of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan. This gave him a huge boost in popularity.
It's PR and a massive hoax but the Mediated Masses don't know this therefore we should expect fireworks. What should we expect? Comment below:
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Autohoaxing can leave the impression that "nothing is really happening" when very real things are being achieved by the ruling class scripting conspiracy through their psyops. Some of the very real things are intensified corruption of the legal system, intensified surveilance, intensified censorship, etc.
Yeah, a hoax in the sense Trump is complicit and the whole thing manipulated, but my guess is the purpose is to further destroy the populist movement (misled by Trump anyway) and assure a grave split in the Republican Party along RINO/NeoCon vs. populist lines. Expected follow-up the QAnon machinations aimed at making Communist dictatorship permanent in America by making DEM victory seem reasonable.