Toxic Skies Over Trutherville
If you believe in invisible cloud-seeding poison spraying airplanes only you can see then you might be a victim of the Chemtrail-Psyop.
There are Chemtrails over Trutherville. The Offworlds stage has its cirrus clouds but they aren't considered toxic.Â
Chemtrail Belief as Alternative Belief to Climate Change.Â
I contend that Climate Change is a religious belief, not a scientific fact. Chemtrail Belief, similarly, is not scientific. Chemtrail Believers blatantly state they don't know what they are seeing and that their arguments rest on self-proclaimed ignorance.
Alternative views tend to be more alarmist than mainstream. Thus, there is a need for alternative news consumers to "wake up" the mainstreamersÂ
Chemtrail activists, like Climate Change activists, feel that the vast majority of society is sleeping through a crisis. Both are fundamentally agitating for increased levels of fear and awareness about an imperceptible threat. The shaming of non-believers is a tactic employed by both climate change and chemtrail activists.Â
Skepticism rejects belief in favor of knowledge, usually arrived at via a logically coherent process, aka, the scientific method, something with observational data, guided by an intentional effort to root out logically fallacious reasoning.
The fact is, no chemtrail Greta can provide evidence to support their claims. All they can do is employ a slew of logical fallacies to coerce belief. I will not feel ashamed because I know that contrails exist and that there is no evidence for invisible geoengineering poison dispensing genocide planes.
The dialectic established explicitly associates the Chemtrail Belief with the right:
According to the Left, Climate Change is caused by Capitalism.Â
The Right is taught to fear Geo-engineering which they wrongly believe to be a secret government project.
Therefore it seems both sides are being trained to see a world in peril if their side doesn't stop the other side. The Left must Stop right-wing pollution via climate activism and regulation. The Right must stop left-wing/government-deep-state geo-engineering by Tweeting about it incessantly without considering contrary evidence. Â
Chemtrail Belief is illogical, unfalsifiable, and outside the purview of science.
At a bare minimum, Chemtrail Belief requires at least half a dozen logical fallacies and dishonest forms of argumentation including:
Loaded Questions
Emotional Appeals
Shifting the Burden of ProofÂ
Moving Goal Posts
Faulty Causality
Appeals to Ignorance
Appeals to Motive
Arguments from Incredulity
Chemtrail Believers will have to concede it is not a scientific belief. Without addressing the establishment's explanation first, they will only be able to convince the ignorant by using loaded questions, emotional appeals, and shame. At this point, it has become a cult much like the Mandela Effect community. Â
Bottom line: Climate Change Activism and Chemtrail Activism are the same.
By now we should all be bored of these pious virtue-signaling cowards acting all high and mighty judging the non-believers in their sky-judgement fantasy.Â
It's long past time for action. There needs to be a class-action lawsuit against the airlines but chemtrails cause apathy, and none of the Chicken Littles can be bothered to do anything other than gripe at the sky and rage at non-believers.
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Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
i don't know why you posted this, but this is where we part ways.
Amazing how widespread this psyop is in trutherville.