Let's take a closer look at the Nashville psyop..
First of all, nobody reading this has any evidence of an actual massacre. Second, this event has every expected agenda attached to it from each side of the political spectrum with the same redundant talking points we would expect. Additionally, we see the requisite masonic/ occult symbolism and numerology throughout this set.
Let’s start by pointing out the timing. It’s Women’s history month and we have a female mass shooter, although there is a question as to whether it’s a transwomen taking another trophy from the ciswomen, as the shooter has been identified as transgender. This fits in with FOX Prophet Tucker Calrson’s prediction of this exact scenario:
Tucker’s suggestion that transpeople would become gunpeople and carry out political violence preceded this by only a few days. Moreover, there is an activist group planning a “Trans Day of Vengence” for April 1st.
Isn’t this Woman’s month? #shooter
33 Teachers..
Any minors giving witness to the MSM would have had waivers signed by the parents. This alone is highly suggestive of hoaxery afoot. No right thinking parent would allow a child witness of a mass shooting to put their face on national television. Not to mention, the witnesses would ordinarily be interviewed by the police first.
Lots of 33’s as expected.
There are recurring characters from Highland Park and from a Wafflehouse Shooting who were in town for Gun Violence Survivors Week:
“Ashbey Beasley said she and her young son were at the scene of another mass shooting just nine months earlier, at a Fourth of July parade in their town of Highland Park, Ill. Demonstrating how frequent such shootings have become, her family happened to be on a vacation in Tennessee visiting her sister-in-law on Monday when yet another shooting took place in their vicinity, this one claiming the lives of three children and three adults.”
Note the 88 and 33:
The usual mantras are being chanted by pro and anti-gun talking heads and their respective followers.
Bloodless but dramatically postured; nearly formed a Swastika. That would have been. a nice final touch.
The Christian angle will play into the right-leaning narratives of a Satanic doctrine fighting theirs. It’s helpful in the demonization of the other that both sides do.
Many recycled story elements, visual compositions, and actwhores:
Reporter covering Nashville school shooting makes stunning announcement on-air: ‘I am a survivor’. (
Elon Musk playing his role as alt-right edgelord agitator:
Is murder on the table? Ask Jane Fonda:
3/10/23 #MSM is responsible Joy: “Besides marching and protesting, what else do you suggest? Jane: “Well, murder.”
Celebrity tie-in:
The Club-Q shooting played upon the same dynamics and happened just as Antifa began posting armed guards at drag shows. You can see the emerging pattern with that one taking place on a Trans Day of Remembrance:
Note the obvious recycling of imagery:
Template: Right-wing blames MENTAL HEALTH, Left blames GUNS Autohoaxer wing calls it FAKE.
UPDATE: The shooter’s parents said they were under a doctor’s care for an “emotional disorder,” and that they were only ever aware of them owning one firearm, which they recently persuaded them to sell. Read more:

The Trans Resistance Network framed Hale as a victim:
As with all the big psychological operations, the narrative can be approached in a partisan way with each side even more secure in its position on guns, culture, and root causes.
What all parties concerned miss is the essential fakeness of it all. Fake dead kids’ lives don’t matter to me.
Thank you for subscribing. This story is still developing. April 1st is the Day of Vengence, so look forward to that.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host