I’m still of the opinion that the illusion of large rockets going into space is accomplished with remote-controlled rigid airships launched vertically with a lot of fanfare, smoke, and fireworks.
Elon Musk himself admits that “Blimps rock”:
Let’s just see what this looks like turned on its side:
A few thoughts on Musk:
He was born with a world-stage role. Likely a Disney creation (with the assistance of the NAZIs).
Musk is connected to Mars, Ironman, Horus/ Falcon, the Ram is on his Devil's Champion armor (red), etc.
He's the Martian Pope as much as Jeff Bezos is templated off Nimrod, builder of the Tower of Babel.
SpaceX = space sex in the sense of it being an iteration of the mystery schools, of which Thelemic is the most recent. It has been merged with the outer space religion.
The central communion rite of the Thelemites --the Gnostic Catholic Mass--- is reenacted with the rocket launches complete with sun god names. The Risen Saviors RISE as the new sun for the new day is symbolically conceived in the launch or the erection of the obelisk. The rite connects the EARTH (the grave of the dead god) to the SKY the goddess/ womb of the goddess.
Ignition of 33 engines in the Rocket = Kundalini activated the Burning Man, the Christ. 33 is the number of ascensions and transcending the material and elevating one’s consciousness from the Kindom to the Crown, Earth to Heaven. The state change represented by Christ transitioning from flesh to spirit is the reason his age is claimed to be 33. Ice changes state at 33 degrees, melting, as a spirit frozen in time space/ matter is liberated from its prison.
Here is a huge debunk for any still thinking there’s more to space travel than occult pageantry:
The Progress rocket animation (that is what this is) shows us a vertical launch from the earth to space. There’s no tilt or arch or falling into orbit. Compare the ISS view and ground view and you’ll these aren’t contiguous shots. Moreover, the ISS “footage” is clearly computer generated and not authentic photography or video:
From the ground launch, it did its usual gravity tilt/ arc:
The above mismatching “footage” is just another example of their crude ruse failing to pull off a convincing illusion.
Read Secret Religion of the Elite now in its 2nd Edition, soon to be available in audiobook format: