The World Stage is a dream world superimposed over the real world. It’s a set of assumptions, explanations, and narratives that frame our consensus reality.
The Blue Pill is what the Dreaming masses are addicted to. The Blue Pill reality is the default dream readily accepted by the most number of people. Those who stray from the center of the stage will find increasingly nightmarish facts about the world, prompting most to run back to the safety and comfort of the dream.
Those who press on will find their worst fears confirmed and may find themselves aghast at how the masses are able to sleep through it all. Furthermore, they will find the opposite side of the stage to be the embodiment of evil and the cause of the nightmarish conditions. Those that stray further left will see the world through the Woke lens, and its evils as the result of the far Right; those that exit stage right reach the nightmare world of the Red Pilled, in which the evil cabal that controls the New World Order is on the Left.
Both Red Pill and Woke realities are contained within the fictional universe of world-stage media. You can take all the red pills but if you cannot pierce the green screen veil, you’re not free of the Matrix. The Red Pill only awakens one to the nightmare version of the world stage. It doesn’t wake one up and nor does Wokeness for that matter, as it takes the default apathetic dreamworld and converts it into a nightmarish hellscape, and the former dreamer is now “Woke” or awakened. Consider Qanon’s “Great Awakening” which was to be the result of a mass Red Pill distribution.
Red Pills have become the equivalent of Woke, and like a mirror of the Woke mob’s “current thing” in which the focus is on liberal fears like climate change, racism, patriarchy, and threats to democracy, the Red Pilled focus on scenarios and concepts scary to the Red Pilled Right, such as vaxx-phobia, open borders, communist hordes, chemtrails, George Soros, Cultural Marxism., and 5G towers.
Red Pill ideology explains what is the Left really doing. These contain hard truths about the world from a nationalist, right-wing perspective in which the oppressor is the subversive communist left, the stealth jihadi terror cells, immigrants, the Deep State, or Antifa. It’s always changing.
Woke ideology explains what is the Right really doing. It tells the hard truths about America and its systemic racism as told from a left-wing perspective.
These “pills” are just pre-packaged ideas; memes to teach each side to embrace their grievances and engage in scapegoating their political opponents. This is encouraged by the demagogic media on all sides. The Red Pilled and Woke are taking the same poison but by different names. Fittingly, right-wingers can go to paragon of toxic masculinity, Alex Jones for Supermale Vitality, while left-wing nuts can get the same ancient Peruvian root belonging to the broccoli family from Gwenneth Paltrow who sells it as "Sex Dust”.
There are a couple of other pills worth mentioning:
The Black Pill, or the “Incel Pill”, presents a version of reality in which resistance is futile, women are evil, and the bad guys already won. This perspective assumes all the fake news psyops are real events, which lends credence to their morose worldview. The Black Pill is the end result of accepting every premise established by the Blue Pill worldview, which is rather dark if you think about it and assumes things are even worse. Look at any history book or read any newspaper and you’ll find this bias confirmed.
The White Pill, by contrast, is the closest thing we have to an Autohoaxer Pill. The White Pill truths would include Nuclear Bombs being fake, school shootings being fake mass causality drill events turned into propaganda, most hate crimes being hoaxes, and that the world isn’t going to end any time soon because of geoengineering or climate change.
To recap:
Blue Pills provide blissful ignorance as to the deeper levels of intrigue and the frightening truths but it comes at the cost of remaining firmly under the control (in a Stockholm Syndrome-like fashion) of the overlords controlling the World Stage dream world.
Red Pills turn the World Stage dream into a nightmare caused by Wokeness.
The Woke, like the Red-Pilled, have awakened from the World Stage dream and are given their own nightmare scenario to contend with. Their scapegoat: the Red-Pilled on the Right.
All these pills give the “awakened” a sense of agency and urgency which the Blue-Pilled dreamers do not possess. This gives them a false sense of superiority and they, being much more awake by comparison, assume they have exited the dream world. This is simply not true. No pill, no Q-Drops, or Red-Pilled spoon-fed truth will lead to the ultimate reality that lies beyond the World Stage frame of reference.
These ideological pills are purposely placed there to keep all of the truth pill poppers facing toward center world stage, their backs to what lies beyond. This circular firing squad forms a fence around the dream world and is itself a deterrent to waking up.