9/11 Jumpers are a total fabrication yet most 9/11 truthers don't grasp the "fakeability" of it. They underestimate how much our reality is augmented with movie magic.
Not one jumper in the literally hours of combined West street footage Not one of the purported 200+ jumpers was seen on 9/11 live TV broadcasts in spite of 5 TV choppers circling the 102 minutes. All of the jumper footage was released later. The famous “Falling Man” photo was taken by Richard Drew, an AP photographer who shot RFK falling to his death 33 years prior.
Anyone still claiming "people died" is merely espousing a personal belief in a state-created myth. Some people believe in the crucifixion and this frames their view of the world. Predictive programming doesn’t mean the event was real in the conventional sense. A common and purposefully spread misconception among truthers is that these events are both real and foreshadowed by mysterious forces. The truth of it is, predictive programming is how they condition us to accept extraordinary things are believable.
The literal belief in 9/11 martyrs re-frames the world for the believer. Evil government, Evil Islam, Evil Israel, or some other embodiment of Evil. The Terrorist became a new bogeyman.
Now they believe in evil, an ideologically spawned evil that kills people and the World needs to unite to fight it. 9/11/01 was the ELDERS of this village showing themselves in their Monster Costumes to scare everyone onto the center of the stage.
The event we call 9/11 represents the merging of man’s mind with the moviescreen reality. This was symbolized in 2001: A Space Odyssey by David Bowman merging with the Monolith. The Monolith is the Screened Reality, the world stage as depicted by the power elite. Showing us the world stage via the space program was a major step forward in controlling our collective inner space: our minds.
The world stage is their Village construct and 9/11 was a reminder that we need to huddle for safety in our communities and listen to our Elders who will protect us from outside, alien threats.
”Kubrick was subconsciously programming all of us with the idea that 9/11/2001 would be a mass media ritual executed on a movie screen, both literally on television and in our collective subconscious which would begin our inner Space Odyssey and rebirth into the New Age" —http://www.chartword.com/2015/02/stanley-kubricks-faked-death-and-911.html
The controlled opposition still maintains it was a “false flag” because the purpose of the event is trauma and fear-based mind control. Anyone telling you it was real is mind-controlled or a mind controller. They want you to kneel and cower in fear like a good human sheep. The belief in 9/11/01 as presented can only be the result of ignorance and manipulation. Don't allow believers the moral or intellectual highground. Simply decline their invitation to grovel and genuflect before the NWO's alleged power.
The secret the shills and dupes conceal is the abject fakeability of this reality by the power elite and their monolithic media monopoly.
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