Superbowl Babylon Fertility Rite and Moon Goddess Worship Rihanna
Our Annual Superbowl Halftime Babalon Fertility Ritual and Goddess Worship
The Thelemite cult is the secret core of the Illuminati’s latest iteration of the Mystery Babylon secret religion and its fertility rites. They worship Babalon and the Beast. The modern iteration of the ancient goddess is known as the Scarlet Woman. She is a goddess found in the occult system of Thelema, which was established in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law by occultist Aleister Crowley.
Along with her status as an archetype or goddess, Crowley believed that Babalon had an earthly aspect or avatar; a living woman who occupied the spiritual office of the 'Scarlet Woman'. This is similar to the Catholic concept of the pope being the “vicar” of Christ.
The role of the Scarlet Woman was to help manifest the energies of the Aeon of Horus. Crowley believed that several women in his life occupied the office of Scarlet Woman.
Note how she performed for 13 minutes. This refers to the 13 lunar months in a year. She has previously been an “avatar” of the goddess as “Moon Goddess” in the 2014 film Annie. The avatar concept is key to understanding their rituals and ceremonies.
Crowley had written about these sex rituals Thelema entails in the Gnostic Mass and the Mass of the Phoenix. Note Super Bowl 57 took place in Phoenix, Arizona.
Their rites involve the treatment of blood/semen as 'sacred; those dancers in white represent semen, and she the blood. The Great Rite of witchcraft uses a chalice and sword or knife to symbolize the god and goddess on the altar. In this symbolic magical system, the chalice or cup represents the goddess. The cup corresponds to the Hearts in the regular playing cards.
Note all the hearts we’ve seen in the mass media events like Damar Hamlin’s collapse and the symbolism around it. The hearts have been heavily emphasized. Kendrick Lamar’s “The Heart Part 5” took home a Grammy. His recent performances include symbolic uses of blood. Note how he is in white surrounded by women in red:
In Thelema, Christ and Magdalene equate to Osiris and Isis and now extend to Beast and Babylon.
The Super Bowl arena in this context represents the womb of the goddess. She emphasized this with her red jacket’s zipper open, revealing a “moon bump”.
Their fertility rite called a Gnostic Mass involves a similar “bread and wine” from the exoteric rites of Christianity and "...takes the form of a eucharistic ritual, where ritualists ingest a cake that is designed with either male/female sexual fluid or menstrual blood."
I think we witnessed a satanic communion ritual.
Let’s look at more conspicuous symbolic uses of the color red, associated with the heart, the goddess, and the energies of the Aeon of Horus:
Relatedly, Elon Musk celebrated another major holiday on the occult calendar, Halloween, in red armor complete with a ram skull and inverted cross. The Aeon or Horus centers on Mars, the red planet, associated with the Egyptian god Horus Mars, or Ares to the greeks represented by the ram.
These celebrity idols are there as avatars to be worshipped by adoring fans. Musk stands in for Horus the war god, Rhianna for Babalon the sky goddess, and who knows who or what’s in Madonna? The demon-possessed elite needs your attention because they sacrifice it to their higher power. Why would they do this?
Here, Rhianna wears an inverted cross comprised of the letters spelling CONTROL MINDS:
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Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
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Her slaves shall serve!