I submitted the 3rd and final book for publication in 2022. I have a work in progress, but it won't be complete until after the fake UFO invasion sometime in 2023. The new one is called:
The Schism In Everything: 2022 From A Metascript Perspective
This book consists of cleaned-up, streamlined, and chronologically ordered blog posts from 2022. The other two are the World Stage Deprogramming Guide and Secret Religion of The Elite, 2nd Edition.
Everything is going according to the Infinite Plan. I had to take five days off, but my original estimate had me considering taking the entire month of December off, so I am pleased with how the IPS’ return to publishing has gone.
The main site's redesign is complete if you want to take a look:
We'll be back on today, Infinite Plane Saturnday.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
Tim I signed up with you last night. I have brain injury and stroke and think slower than most people.
Because I only have $97 pw in disposable income...even before food..I could only afford the $5 subscription.
The $5sub box was the final one of 3. The top one was the $ 115 sub...can't remember how much the next one was. Maybe $50.
At exactly the same time I clicked ok signifying I was happy to pay a $5 sub, it swapped places with the 115 dollar one. It went to the top of the list .
Tim I have a child to feed. Rent and auto payments take up 700 of my income . I have no savings and I can't afford it. I'm a kiwi and life here is super expensive
I attempted to change the sub to $5 but the system says I don't have the funds to do that. The system is correct. But in a few days my pay will go in. And if that is touched I can't pay rent .
I thought I had a weeks free sub so shouldn't need funds. I'm 55 with little tech knowledge . I had severe accident leading to brain damage and stroke 20 years ago and I no longer have the knowledge how to get out of this mess.
Please cancel my sub at your end please. I don't k ow what to do..
Is there anythingx