'Revelation Of The Method' is Nonsense and Misdirection
Miles Mathis agrees and addresses this in his latest article
In my post Don't Be Conned by Conspiracy Research Community Dogma, I addressed this supposed “Revelation of the Method” as it pertains to predictive programming. The way mainstream conspiracy theories hide the fakeness is by suggesting these “real” events need to be preceded by sly hints that the conspirators have foreknowledge. Allegedly, this absolves them of any wrongdoing and our consent is implied since we were technically warned.
That explanation assumes the events are real and not mere psychological operations.
I contend that the Revelation of The Method represents a strategic mystification of the event to prevent it from being exposed as fake.
Miles Mathis addressed this in Taylor Schabusiness? Really?:
“It's purpose is to psychologically trick the minds of the masses into accepting major traumatic events that would otherwise be resisted. Does that make any sense? Not really.”
Predictive programming is part of what creates an immersive illusion. False explanations such as “Revelation of the Method” are meant to prevent you from peeking behind the curtain and seeing perception management psychological operations are the norm and not the exception.
The truth lies in what reality-tested claims reveal.
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Tim Ozman,
IPR Host