I’m posting “No Secrets Are Too Big To Keep” as a response to Matt Walsh’s meltdown because a 2019 survey revealed that only 40% of the population is certain the moon landings weren’t fake.
"There's no way so many people could keep a secret that big." —every true believer in government propaganda.
This is often used to dispute the idea that the lunar landing could have been a hoax. How can you perpetrate a hoax of such size that would involve so many people? After all, since it would implicate every mathematician, astronomer, physicist, and rocket engineer involved, there's no way it could have been faked. Right? Wrong.
On the surface, it makes sense. Someone's likely to talk, even if not purposefully. It's reasonable to think the information will eventually leak. That's how things go. How can a secret be kept so perfectly? It's quite simple, really, once you understand that NASA is a masonic organization. A secret society is built on its capacity to keep secrets.
Many of the government actors playing "astronauts" are members of masonic lodges. They didn't exactly keep their memberships a secret. And here's the thing. We're talking about a secret society that compartmentalizes knowledge with security clearances and nondisclosure agreements in the form of blood oaths.
In order to advance within the society, you must take the oath of secrecy and upon the pain of death promise, not just to keep the secrets, but to keep them from those outside the temple.
This will help you understand the mentality you are dealing with. When you look at the people who are faking space travel, you're looking at alleged astronauts who are celebrated in our culture. They are seemingly scientists, sacrificing themselves for the betterment of mankind. Are they really risking their lives? Are they really heroes?
They have security clearances within an elite secret society and the advantage of a network that has the willful blinding of the masses of people as its stated objective. The candidate for initiation into Masonry is brought into the lodge, where he is tested on his knowledge of the protocol and the oath. In the oath, he will be asked to swear not to reveal the secrets or make them intelligible in any way to anyone outside the temple. This applies to anyone outside of the degree into which he's being initiated. The second-degree mason will not tell his secrets to the first-degree mason. The third-degree mason will not tell his secrets to the second or first, and the first won't talk to anybody outside the lodge of what he knows.
Secrets are protected by this compartmentalized and hierarchical pyramid structure that can only be understood in its entirety from the very top.
NASA provides myths and misinformation in order to deceive the world into accepting false explanations. Their aim must be to slow the advancement of human knowledge by replacing reality with a computer-generated model of reality presented as the real thing.
True scientists seek to add to the sum total of human knowledge. NASA, on the contrary, is there to bewilder, lie, and confuse human knowledge.
They strapped us to a ball and left us spinning and drifting into a black abyss. It wouldn't matter if we're unimportant, insignificant, soulless animals. They lied to us about reality and built up mythos, and cosmogony, and expanded their deception in order to draw us deeper into it. Space exploration and multi-planetary civilizations are pure fiction designed to reinforce the globalist worldview and the prison mentality it contains.
You can reduce your susceptibility to the influence of mind-war operations by recognizing what science fiction and popular entertainment are really for. The genre of science fiction is used to soften us up for fake science, just as the violent action flicks acclimate us to accept mass shooter hoaxes as real without question.
Discussion about the alleged lunar landing hoax is only valid when including the techniques of fakery, namely movie special effects. Also, consider how many people are involved in large movie productions, including all crew, extras, and catering. Now, ask yourself, out of those hundreds or thousands of people, how many are in the room with the director getting the inside scoop about the movie? Very few. There's no reason to think everyone would be privy to the director's private thoughts. The argument that there are secrets too big to keep is untenable.
Excellent points made