Mike Rothschild is in Denial of Predictive Programming
Fake News is Faker Than Fake News Believers Know
Today, many pointed out the AT&T outage as being right out of Leave The World Behind. I pointed this out to Mike Rothschild, who had the following to say:
I interviewed Mike Rothschild before his first book came out, and he really minimized the JFK Jr thing.
He’s a conspiracy theory debunker; lately, he’s made some weak attempts at refuting predictive programming. He dismisses it without explaining it. The phenomenon deserves an explanation as it exists.
Rothschild, however, denies it exists.
I noticed he’s been taking this position since Leave The World Behind came out on the anniversary of the JFK assassination, 11/22/23. Much of the disaster film’s scenarios coincidentally manifested on the nightly news following its release. So far, we have seen many airline incidents (such as planes falling apart mid-flight, doors falling off, burning planes in midair, and more), a massive Tesla recall over an autopilot malfunction, and now a mysterious communication blackout from either Russian Space Nukes, Chinese EMP Balloons, or Class-X Solar Flares.
You can’t say life isn’t imitating art.
Mike Rothschild’s erroneous concept of predictive programming is that the instances of media foreshadowing noticed by conspiracy theorists are coincidences at best.
Conspiracy Theorists think Predictive Programming is some "bad karma loophole" for the bad guys before they do terrible things.
Some will say dark occultist wizards use predictive programming to "manifest" their dark visions in reality.
All miss the mark.
The fact is, it's just propaganda by repetition and conditioning. This is how they “bend” the news. They saturate us in themes; they paint the zeitgeist.
“Repetition can affect beliefs about truth. People tend to perceive claims as truer if they have been exposed to them before. This is known as the illusory truth effect, and it helps explain why advertisements and propaganda work, and also why people believe fake news to be true.” — Source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
They expose us to each story a few billion times before they fake it on the news. This makes the most sense of all the explanations for the phenomenon we call predictive programming and comports with established propagandizing techniques.
Mike Rothschild is not in the know about how fake the fake news is.
Tim, I really like your analyses. I just have one concern rather broad regarding this piece:
Why is it *only* that the wayward wizards use repetition? Why is it poppycock to you that they use predictive programming as a false but nonetheless effective (at least for some amount of time) way to avoid the karmic effects of Natural Law? I mean, we have to admit that they have certainly gotten off the hook for at least a century and a half, if not more, because they're still here. So what gives? Are people really *that* stupid, that even in an era of far higher general intellect, say around 1900, that men would succumb to such charlatans, and EN MASSE, and their women would accept that?
Also, I 'm curious about the use of military and police force. Have we been lied to about ALL of the registered deaths perpetrated by these entities? Are there NOT men, women, and children in prisons right here in the US? My husband worked in a forensic psych hospital for nearly two decades until late 2020, and there were most certainly insane men imprisoned there. I saw them for myself when we used to go behind security to perform concerts for them. Are they all paid actors?
What about during the CovAin't, when I was refused entry to several businesses because I am adamant about breathing fully through my uncovered nose and mouth? What if I had made a big deal about their lawlessness, and the police or the sheriff were called to the scene? What if the employees and/or customers took matters into their own hands, quite literally, like was happening at similar stores in the college town just south of us? Were those all paid actors?
I'm not saying it is impossible that the Luciferian/Satanic/Freemason/Jesuit et al networks have it sewn up that tightly. I'm just wondering why actual acts of coercion (which to me constitute violence), both planned and spontaneous, would NOT be an integral part of the wayward wizards' agenda. At least, it seems clear to me that there IS an agenda, and that abject violence — in addition to consciousness manipulation — is being used to carry that agenda to [potential] fruition.
I appreciate your thinking and your writing, otherwise I wouldn't bother commenting!💝
Tim; you got to check out this interview that Dr. Shiva did today! It got heated and either the host pulled the plug or the internet stopped them in mid sentence.