Meet @Jake25559073: This account is one of the MAGABAN I have been studying. These accounts are mostly there to judge young men’s lifestyles while virtue-signaling their own commitment to celibacy and the Bible and denouncing this “satanic” world.
They want all-male gyms, women at home pregnant, zero sex outside marriage, and child brides (as soon as a girl is "able" to have a baby, it’s time according to the MAGAban). They are anti-semite incels, much like Jihadis, but influenced by Qanon and nationalistic MAGA values rather than the Quran.
Their fight is against the Deep State, a parallel to the Great Satan.
@Jake25559073 epitomizes the MAGAban line of thinking. He is an active member of a community that promotes celibacy for younger men. He expresses disdain for uncovered women in the gyms, working on their bodies instead of reading their bibles. He doesn’t explain his own fixation on physical fitness but we have to assume his reasons are wholesome and have nothing to do with looking good.
He’s endorsed child brides as soon as the girl is capable. God makes that choice for them, not our “satanic” society. He’s against sex inside and outside of marriage if it’s not directed at making a baby.
Also, Ivermectin cures homosexuality. He heard it on Owen Benjamin:
My contention is the MAGABAN represents a domestic counterpart to the Islamist. It's the same templated worldview:
A mix of incel and ethnonationalism; as in Make America Great Again like before Soyboys, Netflix, Spotify, and porn. Also, single women are evil, but child brides are cool. Their views on Jews are consistent with the Islamists.
His view is that “degenerates” that watch porn should be lined up and shot:
He stresses the importance of short showers. Here, he reveals how a two-minute cold shower turned into a thirty-minute shower because he wasn’t proactive in shooting down the thoughts that caused him to linger:
Jake25559073 is angry about cafes because they have spread the practice of men sipping soy lattes:
He’s very on guard against sex acts that would bar entrance to Heaven:
Moreover, the lust for women is the moral equivalent of necrophilia:
Despite the fires of hell awaiting those that desire women, admiring men is okay. See:
Half-dressed males are okay but women in their yoga pants = instant damnation.
Holy Twitter Warrior @Jake25559073 is confident that in the end, Christians will have revenge on those that killed Jesus. But he doesn’t have a time machine so I assume this refers to revenge on the descendants of those that killed his god 2000 years ago.
I’ve questioned this premise before. If “(((they)))” had not done this, there would be no religion. It seems misguided to seek revenge for an ancient crime when the perpetrators are not alive, but we’re not looking at reasonable people.
Of course, it only makes sense that Incel Pill dealer Roosh V is in his feed, teaching men how to devalue women as a way of establishing dominance with his “Rules of Dating Women” guidelines:
My related to the templating of a domestic counterpart to the Taliban in the “MAGAban” started in 2020 and here are a few other parallels I have observed:
Basement-dwelling incel mass shooters equate to cave-dwelling suicide-bombers
Both see uncovered Western women as a problem.
The Deep State and The Great Satan are the same.
Both cite the same antisemitic tropes.
Both view Western culture as degenerate.
Both are fighting a holy war.
Radical Quran extremists and radical Qanon extremists are direct parallels, one foreign, one domestic.
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Tim Ozman,
IPR Host