Top Mandela Effect guru Brian Stavely is taking a break from covering our fluid reality and is working at a bar. It doesn’t look like he’s conflicted about his decision. Good for him. I just listened to his rant entitled “Why Won't You Stop Me From Misleading The Masses” wherein he seemingly started to point the blame “autohoaxers” for gatekeeping the Mandela Effect.
Excuse me, Brian, but nobody in their right mind can claim that the Mandela Effect is gatekept in any way. It’s the most accessible, mainstream, and click-friendly conspiracy theory out there. I recommend the popular movie The Mandela Effect (2019) to anyone interested in the topic.
You may have noticed too that the Mandel Effect is the only conspiracy theory that isn’t censored.
He wants to blame me for stopping its spread to larger audiences. I’m sorry he didn’t meet his conversion quota but even though I have debunked the Mandela Effect, I lack the reach to “gatekeep” it in any meaningful way.
If people aren’t falling for it, it would make more sense to blame their critical thinking faculties and willingness to think independently from what the advocates are telling them. Mandela Effect Advocates are mad because I point out the unfalsifiability of their assertions and the real cause of this phenomenon. It happens. There is a “Mandela Effect” but it’s not a reality shift. The past is immutable. If the cross Jesus was crucified on turned into a tree, then the tree should have taken its place as a symbol of the Christian faith. They assert these changes have occurred without doing a follow-through assessment of what these changes would themselves change. To be blunt, these effects are shallow. If Timmy fell down a well, as they contend contrary to reality, then how was he extracted? They have no answer. Their memories are false imaginings implanted by Mandela Effect advocates.
I am asserting that the Mandela Effect is a deliberate mindfuck. Its spreaders ask you to think of something as it exists and as it doesn’t, and you are to determine which one feels right. The advocate will induce a little doubt simply by raising the question. Every Mandela Effect is based on a Loaded Question. The question presumes two things: first, that reasonable doubt has been raised; second, that if reality is shifting, it only changes in a binary. There aren’t infinite versions of the alternate logo. Just one.
“I don’t cover the fakery all the time anymore…” Stavely said, then veered into the scapegoating: “Don’t you think it’s suspicious,” he asked, “that these fucking jabronies can gaslight this whole gigantic portion of the truth community?”
I’m not sure what a jabronie is. I don’t even care to Google it. All I see is an ad hominem leveled at the messenger. Does Stavely actually believe the non-Mandela Effected have been deceived or blocked from believing it by counter-Mandela Effect operatives? Is this a top-secret department within the US government like the Men In Black?
If you don’t think JIF peanut butter was once JIFFY, or that Timmy didn’t fall down a well, is it because someone tricked out of recalling things the way that conflicts with the present reality? Maybe the trouble is with the Mandela Effect itself. Truthers today are increasingly educated about mass media manipulation and compared to the Theatre of Psywar, the reality manipulations of the Mandela Effect pale compared to what we experience daily.
He said the gatekeepers “…tell you your senses are failing…your observations don’t matter, and your memories don’t matter. That’s why I’m glad to step away… I don’t want to stream as much anymore…I’m surrounded by gatekeepers.”
I don’t tell anyone these senses are failing or that memories don’t matter. However, I do suggest recognizing the limitations inherent in human perception, and this includes recollections.
Remember, boats do go over the horizon according to the human eye. An entire false worldview could be built around this misperception.
My non-belief doesn’t change reality. Nor do false beliefs for that matter, and it could just be that the lack of seriousness given the Mandela Effect is not due to a lack of exposure. The idea is wildly popular.
I posted a clip below along with a breakdown of what the Mandela Effect actually is.
“Hey Mandela Effect denier, fuck you’re a bunch of liars. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that reality is fabricated.” — BS
“The autohoaxers guys…they will literally, every little psyop that’s run, they will literally sit here and tear it apart. But tell you the Mandla Effect is a psyop…If I’m misleading thousands of people, the responsibility is on you to show the rest of the truth movement how the trick is done.”
MANDOOLZED: The Mandela Effect Debunked
Today’s pseudo-scientific paradigm is designed to take you out of reality and into a pseudo-reality. Scientism is part of the mass-mediated world view which we all know to be false to a great extent.
That which is real stands on its own; the fake requires a consensus to prop it up. Our consensus worldview is the naked emperor propped up by conformist group-think.
One consensus belief states "all the ancient Greeks" says the world is round. When Mandela Effect pushers make arguments on the authority of collective memory, they're using an appeal to a consensus to prop up a false paradigm. This is a double standard no truther should stand by.
They are misinterpreting observational data by not accounting for the fallibility of the observer, in this case, themselves. They are not infallible observers. The human eye thinks boats go over a curve. This is why objective evidence matters. Individual perceivers are not only capable of being wrong, but they’re also capable of defending their wrongness once it becomes entrenched as dogma.
What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
— Hitchens's Razor
Extraordinary claims without evidence can be disregarded without reference to counter-evidence. The claims of “the effected” are well-intentioned misrememberences at best.
The trouble is, they assert their Mandela Effect is true even though the theory cannot be contradicted by an observation or the outcome of any physical experiment. They fall outside the reach of falsifiability.
When one effect is debunked, they move on to the next one.
Nothing can prove it wrong to one who has assumed the premise that reality is shifting and alternating retroactively. This is why it’s not necessary to debunk each individual effect. It has been pre-debunked as categorically not true, as the initial premise was never established.
The person making the claim owns the burden of proof. There is no obligation on behalf of the skeptic to provide evidence to counter such a claim.
Making the claim should not count as evidence in favor of the claim. Besides, the claimant would be considered a tainted witness, as they presumably already believe it.
Does the existence of Mormon missionaries prove that Jospesh Smith was tarred and feathered at the age of thirty-three after reviewing the records of Jesus Christ in North America from an Angel named Moroni? Nope.
Miracle: an extraordinary and astonishing happening that is attributed to the presence and action of ultimate or divine power.
Why do people want the Mandela Effect to be true? Because it is miraculous. People choose to believe in miracles for many reasons. It’s an escape from objective reality over which we are ostensibly powerless.
Miracles make us players in a bigger, cosmic game. Miracles are comforting, validating, and life-changing. The Mandela Effect, referred to as “ME” by its true believers, is a miraculous occurrence.
To experience a Mandela Effect is to have penetrated the programming of the matrix and gleaned insights into the holographic, shifting, and subjective nature of reality.
Miracles have traditionally been associated with religions as their claims to authenticity. The performance of miracles in front of witnesses is all it takes to start a cult of believers.
Cults of believers provide all the social and cognitive reinforcement required to ensure the group grows.
So long as the miracles are legitimate and the faith is strong, the cult will persist. Such an aggregate of believers gains confidence and even belligerence as their numbers reinforce the meaningfulness of the miracle which brought them all together.
Leaders in such groups will invariably have to warn the believers about the non-believers, those heretics whose words have the power to disintegrate the cult.
Such non-conformers must have to be corrected or exiled. These exiles will be demonized in the harshest of terms to ensure that the others don’t make the same error.
The Mandela Effect is caused by faulty eyewitness testimony influenced by the suggestions of the person who is pointing out the supposed discrepancy.
It’s not a paradigm-shattering revelation. It only appears so to those who are affected.
A million people misremembering can add the illusion of credibility to any supposed Mandela Effect. It only takes a fraction of the population to misremember something for a viral video on the topic to get a show of support in favor of the supposed discrepancy.
"It has long been speculated that mistaken eyewitness identification plays a major role in the wrongful conviction of innocent individuals. A growing body of research now supports this speculation, indicating that mistaken eyewitness identification is responsible for more convictions of the innocent than all other factors combined..” Source:
"The Innocence Project determined that 75% of the 239 DNA exoneration cases had occurred due to inaccurate eyewitness testimony. It is important to inform the public about the flawed nature of eyewitness memory and the difficulties relating to its use in the criminal justice system so that eyewitness accounts are not viewed as the absolute truth."
A suggestion of discrepancy is all it takes. This implanting of doubt in the mind of the prospect is actually the cause of the Mandela Effect. That suggestion of a misperception is an example of “gaslighting, a subtle form of psychological abuse where the victim is caused to doubt their own sanity and perception.
The interrogator framing the question has great power to influence what is recollected. For example, if an interrogator asks, “Notice anything strange about your favorite brand of peanut butter?” the answer would mostly be unrelated to the Mandela Effect.
But what if the question is posited as, “Do you remember that famous brand of peanut butter as Jiff or Jiffy?”
Then you have to choose your side---was it Jiffy or Jiff? Again, a binary.
When such a question is asked, your cognitive bias toward what feels right will naturally lead to a confident response.
Bottom line: the Mandela Effected is predicated on a loaded question. Such questions must be examined before answering. “Do you still eat roadkill?” for example, is a loaded question that implies the answerer did, and may still, eat roadkill. There is no way to answer without affirming the premise.
This is a subtle sleight-of-mind trick and it works. The Mandela Effect Pusher is telling you to doubt your perceptions by inserting doubt. This is a biasing of the witness.
"Witnesses can be subject to memory distortions that can alter their account of events. It is of particular interest that the memory of an eyewitness can become compromised by other information, such that an individual's memory becomes biased." Source -
The Mandela Effected interrogator is contaminating the witnesses. This is called retroactive interference.
"Another phenomenon that may interfere with an eyewitness' memory is retroactive interference. This occurs when new information is processed that obstructs the retrieval of old information. A common source of interference that may occur after the event of a crime is the reporting of the crime. Police investigations include questioning that is often suggestive. The processing of new information may disrupt or entirely replace old information.” Source -
The matter is further complicated when large numbers of people who are in total agreement about something they are wrong about introduce social and cognitive reinforcements of those incorrect memories.
The purpose of the Mandela Effect (my theory):
The Psyop Entertainment Complex planted Mandela Effect as a way of contaminating the research pool by suggesting people who don't believe or trust the news cannot trust their own perceptions nor trust their own judgment. The Mandela Effect attacks the idea of objective reality. If nothing is objective, then there is no truth. A Mandela Effected person is in no position to take the media to task for making extraordinary statements without evidence.
If you were a Globey because you saw boats go over the horizon and got mad at a Flat Earther for contradicting you then you know what it is to have an emotional attachment to a wrong answer. Our eyes misled us, albeit with the aid of misleaders.
The Mandela Effected have a similar misunderstanding, this time of how recollection works in the context of interrogation, to lead them to accept the loaded question behind every one of their alleged reality shifts.
We will be discussing this and more live. Sign up at IPS.Monster for live alerts.
You may have noticed that I have not systematically addressed any of the MEs. The IPS is working on a documentary to do precisely this. It will be definitive. The plan is to hire a professional cinematographer and editor. We have the research and script nailed down. You may support this endeavor by becoming a paid subscriber, sharing, and/or donating below.
Thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment. I’ll address these live.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
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