The 534+ donors believe that behind the facade of GEORGE NEWS is JFK:
“Jesus is coming, JFK, love you all.”
“When the time comes, we’re going to
list all our supporters, (yes you can remain anonymous if you prefer) with a “special thanks” and “mission contributor” listing, to the ‘project’. 🙏🏻❤️
*You don’t want to miss out.
#April is #Key
“A very limited number of these Keys, were later presented to top White House staff, in January of 2021, including a few Special Guests. The Key itself, sits in a carved wooden presentation case, which is housed in an outer cobalt blue box. Both the carved wooden box, and the outer storage case, bear the 'Seal of The President'.”[sic]
If you ask me, this is scandalous.
By the way, I’m suing George News/ Marcus Goldfinch alongside Youtube LLC, and our first hearing is May 2nd, 2023.
My request for the judge to subpoena Google for Goldfinch’s address should go through.
We'll be addressing Youtube's Motion to Dismiss, which is customary. Users sign a deal only to sue them in Santa Clara, County. However, I'm not suing as a Youtuber. I'm suing them as a party to cybercrimes. This hearing will allow me to embarrass them and expose their complicity properly.
I'm going to request permission to invite the media to attend.
I need to make Youtube, the judge, and the media witnesses to the actual crimes. My intention is to set a fire around and beneath Marcus Goldfinch that flushes him out. In a way, 'winning' this civil suit is immaterial. The fact I have this hearing is a victory as I'm getting closer to facilitating prosecutorial action.
I have a stack of FBI complaints to submit into evidence. Youtube will look absolutely TERRIBLE from the perspective of the reporters I invite.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host