Insurrectionist Ali Alexander Exposed as Predator and Groomer
Top Pizzagate Qanon pusher is a creep himself.
(Ali Alexander blocked me a long time ago.)
Ali Alexander, the Stop the Steal organizer and Kanye West ally has been accused of grooming underage males as young as 12 years old.
Here he is with Nick Fuentes and Alex Jones:
Here he is with Roger Stone:
Recent allegations have immediately put Alexander on the defensive:
“One of the worst things about being a Public Figure is trying to sue someone for defamation and lies. Especially, with broke, serial liars.”
Allegedly, there is enough material for months of “drops” exposing Ali:
Milo Yianopolous had warned Nick Fuentes about him:
Milo, who is known for keeping blackmail files on everyone, also claimed Ye is secretly gay:
Lauren Southern's "The Whole Truth" video exposes what she describes as Milo's blackmail ring:
We’ll discuss this live.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host