I'm Off to Review Asteroid City (from an Offworld-Stage Perspective)
Autohoaxing: Decoding Mass Programming Real-Time
I’m considering a trip across the desert to the movie theatre at the mall to catch Asteroid City for review purposes. There’s no way a Tim Hanks movie could be bereft of predictive (and concurrent) programming. He was Celeb Patient Zero for Covid19—which was tied into his role in Inferno, a movie about a supervirus.
I noticed the train in the trailer which itself is a symbol we’ve seen fused with the metascript since the derailment in Palestine which “eerily” mirrored the movie White Noise.
Synopsis: “ASTEROID CITY takes place in a fictional American desert town circa 1955. The itinerary of a Junior Stargazer/Space Cadet convention (organized to bring together students and parents from across the country for fellowship and scholarly competition) is spectacularly disrupted by world-changing events.”
Wes Anderson also did The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, which brings in a submersible/ Titanic tie-in, as noted in the IPS Think Tank:
Another coincidence. Here’s another related coincidence that’s reportedly not a coincidence:
Going off the trailer, this movie portends spectacular world-changing events to come. I’ll have to watch the film to get all the details. You may have read my previous movie reviews. I’ll post some here. They always end up being decodings and tend to have tie-ins to coming events.
Here are some of my previous reviews:
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About: Infinite Plane Radio is the voice of the Infinite Plane Society, a think tank assembled around mass media deconstruction. The community of listeners, callers, and commenters is committed to honest inquiry into matters deemed conspiracy and fringe from an “off-world stage perspective”.