I Was Just Branded a Harmful Misinformation Actor, and Exiled
From The Desk of Tim Ozman 5/27/22
From The Desk of Tim Ozman 5/27/22
Twitch kicked Infinite Plane Radio off after four years of continuous live-streaming. They wrote me to explain that I am a "harmful misinformation actor" and that I will be banned indefinitely to "protect the community."
I did call this one. After the Buffalo shooter was reported to have streamed live on Twitch, I knew our days there were numbered. As many of you know, we have fought a turf war with Youtube this entire time. We're now one-hundred-and-twenty-two channels deep. That is how hard Youtube has worked to expunge us from their platform. The fight with them I intend to win. Twitch, however, is not worth fighting for.
Odysee is our replacement 24-7 continuous live-streaming site. Twitch was mostly impervious to censorship and I'm surprised it flew beneath the radar for this long, which is likely why this shooter was connected to it. We should also note that Discord is under the same scrutiny now.
None of the platforms are secure because this is a holy war. The Church of State, aka the government media complex, is purifying the Internet. The mainstream platforms are sidelining free speech in favor of political correctness meanwhile the alternative platforms are under attack.
The Infinite Plane Society is a decentralized, irrepressible Think Tank. Losing Twitch means an intenser focus on the turf we actually care about.
Thanks for subscribing. You can check out the Odysee 24-7 live stream here: https://odysee.com/@InfinitePlaneRadio:a/InfinitePlaneRadio:2 . Signing in or opening an account requires an email link. It's an easy and secure process. Once in, you can subscribe, chat, and comment. I'll pass out the "wrench" to all commenters there.
Tim Ozman,
IPR, Host