I am suing a relentless cyberstalker and criminal who is
a) besties with Garret Ziegler, who is being sued by Hunter Biden.
b) proprietor of “George News”, a JFK Jr. magazine resurrected to recruit a Qanon following, and part of the White House Press Corps.
c) Q-drop poster with tripcode “MG7VJXZNCI”
d) he presently tweets at @TheGEORGEhq
The media will be stunned to learn that Goldfinch is an unnamed defendant in the Robert Hunter Biden v. Garrett Ziegler et al case.
Moreover, it will not go unnoticed that he’s a top Qanon influencer (with access to President Trump) and a J6 co-conspirator who was never indicted. Now that the legal proceedings have started we can observe how he attempts to distance himself from his criminality. I fully anticipate Google’s compliance in divulging Goldfinch’s full relationship with Youtube and how he managed to con them into handing over my copyrighted content to him.
The fuse has been lit. It’s not stoppable now. The case is already on the docket.
If the Bidens and the Democrats FAIL to boost your own suit, ignore it or try to sabotage you, then we know their WWE kayfabe between Hunter and the Republicucks will be confirmed as FAKE "conflict". Which is what we expect. After all, they may despise "Q" and "MAGA", but not as much as they FEAR the autohoax army of IPS and the fakeologist community.