Remove the Jet from the Equation, Thus Ruling Out Condensation Trails as an Explanation.
1. IF Chemtrails are real and not the result of hot jet exhaust and particulates and condensation freezing in the sky, THEN it stands to reason that ANY vehicle deploying the Chemtrail Substance would produce the same Cirrus-cloud-like Chemtrails.
2. This means we could take this Substance and deploy it from a weather balloon and presumably, have a less linear Chemtrail, but a Chemtrail nonetheless. All we will have done is removed the hot jet exhaust from the equation.
3. Next, we must ask, what Substances could create simulated Cirrus clouds? Most suggest aluminum, barium, and strontium are in the mix. This Substance needs to be dumped into the atmosphere at 20,000 feet with a balloon and GoPro lens. Does this create clouds that linger, persist, and spread?
This simple test--the objective of which is to produce Cirrus clouds at 20,000 feet, would demonstrate for all time whether the Chemtrail Theory is more than a misunderstanding of the effects of hot jet exhaust at high altitudes under certain climactic conditions.