How ChatGPT Defines 'Autohoaxing'
It's rather good....except the last sentence
“Autohoaxing is a term used to describe the practice of automatically assuming that any news or information that is presented in the media or online is false or misleading, and that it is part of a deliberate attempt to deceive the public. Autohoaxers often claim that they are simply being skeptical and that they are trying to uncover the truth behind events, but their approach is often characterized by a general distrust of established authorities and a tendency to dismiss credible evidence in favor of more speculative or outlandish claims.
Autohoaxers often promote conspiracy theories and alternative explanations for real-world events, often relying on limited or questionable evidence. They may argue that events such as mass shootings, terrorist attacks, or natural disasters are staged or fabricated, and that mainstream news sources are complicit in the deception. It's important to note that many of the claims made by autohoaxers are not supported by credible evidence, and that believing in these ideas can lead to distrust of established institutions and experts, and in some cases, can have harmful real-world consequences.”
I don’t know what “harmful real-world consequences” they refer to.
Clearly, the harmful consequence of autohoaxing is the underming of the propaganda and transformational aims of the ruling class conspiracy. Interesting that a "cold machine" is biased in exactly the same way as the mainstream media and ruling class.