I had previously remarked on Jamie Foxx’s medical issue that was highlighted on CNN. What stood out to me was the proximity to Trump’s arrest and the connections that the event had to the 55th anniversary of MLK Jr’s assassination. The newsticker had pointed out Foxx’s age: 55.
According to the more recently reported health scare, he was non-responsive and had to be “brought back to life.”
What is the Metascipted messaging here?
Jaime Foxx is 55 and a key figure in the BLM movement.
He played Django Unchanged, which connects to YE (who claims the movie was his idea), and Christopher Dorner, the police officer who went on a shooting spree to protest the racist police department. Dorner, 33, was incinerated by law enforcement. Django Unchained is based on the story of Nat Turner (Nat Turner was an enslaved African-American preacher who organized and led the four-day rebellion of enslaved and free Black people in Southampton County, Virginia, in 1831.)
55 years ago, MLK Jr was killed. 55 seems to be a code for an oncoming Martyr ritual.
Trump was arrested on 4/4/23, the 55th anniversary of MLK’s death, holy week, and was blatantly ‘Christified.”
All the "55" synchronicities stated when TYRE Nichols was killed and protesters shut down I-55. Then the daughter of MLK Jr. joined for his memorial service. Nichols’ beating was likened to that of Rodney King (who was batoned 33 times).
The name FOXX contains two crosses. As with the number 44, the XX is used in predictive programming and symbolism to denote the 2nd coming: 4 is a cross, symbolic of the 4 seasons. Jesus the Sun God is crucified on the cross. The double cross represents the death and the resurrection by the two horizontal bars. Foxx went into a Death and Resurrection rite at 55.
Interestingly, the accuser of Emmet Till just died at 88.
The death of Emmet Till was incited by Donham’s complaint that the 14-year-old’s compliment was offensive. Her ‘Karen-ness’ has been remarked on, as her outrage was from a place of perceived privilege and superiority. She wielded that power against the teen and his death was a result. This kicked off the Civil Rights movement.
A couple of salient points:
Trayvon Martin, whose death kicked off the BLM movement, was compared to Emmet Till.
Ye West, too, compared himself to Till. Ye connects to Django Unchained and to Christopher Dorner in his life’s script. Dorner, 33, burned in his house, was similar to Ye’s Donde ritual immolation where he emerged phoenix-like, from a burning house.
George Floyd too, was compared to Till.
(Interestingly, the name George etymologically derives from “tiller” or “farmer.”)
The takeaway here is Jamie Foxx’s role in the “cult of the martyr” in which the psyop entertainment complex is creating a Black Christ as a central character in a broader narrative, referred to in the Donde burning man ritual Ye performed (on the anniversary date that Burning Man is usually held), in which he said it was about
"Donda 2 is about running back into that burning house. I respect not everyone gonna be ready for the smoke.". 4:39 PM · Feb 13, 2022.
This ties to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s statement '“I fear I am integrating my people into a burning house.”
The Symbolism:
Note the use of the name KING.
Note the conspicuous 33’s
The Burning Man/ Phoenix and Christ references
I suspect the Great Reset will introduce a new Christ, perhaps not one person, but an amalgamation that creates an archetype that will epitomize the victim of the system. This central sacrificial martyr is the main catalyst for the revolution against the West, which is construed as intrinsically rooted in oppression and pollution—bad for the poor and bad for the Earth itself.
We will discuss this and more live today.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
See more:
Carolyn Donham was recently prosecuted for inciting the murder of Emmet Till. She claimed she never meant for her wack job husband to kill him and also advised her husband that Till "wasn't the right one" and to "take him home". She was acquitted or the case was dismissed.