1. Describe what you think the Earth looks like?
In my opinion, Earth is not a "shape" suspended or falling through space. If the Earth cannot be shown to have a curve, if it's flat, then the sky is above, not an atmosphere, but a plane. In other words, with the supposed curvature of the earth, it logically follows that "outer space" is surrounding the planet in all directions. There is no "up" or "down"Â with the heliocentric model as it's all relative.Â
The heliocentric model contains mostly empty space, surrounded by more space. Â
If we don't include the supposed curve, then we're left with a plane, and this means the sun, the moon, and the stars can NOT be lightyears away. This is similar to geocentrism in that the earth is bigger than the luminaries. Â
What does it look like? I think (this is my opinion), that the universe comes into existence as humanity experiences it--that it's a plane of existence that extends beyond the scope of what the terrestrial globes show.
2. Many flat Earthers speak of an "elite" beyond Antarctica - are you of the same opinion?
If the world is flat, it could not have escaped the attention of the power elite of the world. This wouldn't be an oversight. It would necessarily be a conspiracy. For what purpose? To maintain a power disparity. In the same way that the better-educated elite have many built-in advantages over the masses, a similar power disparity would be created by giving them a false worldview with artificial scarcity being the key advantage to keeping them ignorant of what lies beyond the world they have been given.
In our live discussions, we often refer to movies that explain this allegorically. For example, The Villiage is a movie about a commune in which the Elders (the elite) convince their progeny that the village they live in is the entire world. Few question the Elders' stories about monsters in the woods (which turn out to be the Elders themselves, in costume, as part of a psychological control system). Â
3. If so, who is the elite?
The Elite would be the "elders" of this world who are keeping us in quarantine from what is beyond. They wouldn't be known to us, but their regional managers would be: our governmental systems, which in my opinion, are all controlled by the same Elite. The fact we have an International Space Station and an Antarctic Treaty which all nations take part in suggests that there is a unity we don't see. I call the media "monolithic" for a few reasons. Namely, the level of centralized control I am positing would preclude any real factions above a certain level.Â
4. What is beyond Antarctica, in your opinion?
When people ask what is at the edge of the universe, they draw a blank. It's not an answerable question.
But, if the earth is flat, then the universe doesn't consist of empty space. Again, so space "below", only above.Â
Too many flat earthers rushed to promote a "domed" and enclosed disc flying in space. This makes zero sense. The Flat Earth Society promotes this joke.Â
We simply do not have enough information to postulate a model. But, the conspirators would know. Just as in The Village, the Elders knew very well that beyond their commune in the wilderness was the 20th century.
If Earth is a plane, then the "globe model" puts humanity into a quarantine, largely by misinformation and psychological operations like "moon landings."Â
My answer: I suspect we're surrounded by unplundered resources. I've often joked that when Jeff Bezos starts mining asteroids, he's really going to be hauling mineral wealth from out there, across the plane, not in outer space.