Elon Musk is the leading source of mind junk and space junk.
Between X and SpaceX he single-handedly has imperiled Cyberspace and Outerspace.
This is part of his world-stage role. He’s a living example of why rich individuals threaten the collective by their very existence. Musk has so much power he bought Twitter and converted it into a vector for “mind viruses” which supposedly lead to political violence. He opened the floodgates for the widespread deluge of “dangerous misinformation.”
This was the theme of Netflix’s The Madness, which has a Musk-esque CEO who helps steal the election and finances right-wing Nazis on social media.
Musk is a manufactured character; a provocateur whose purpose is to gain collective support for censorship and regulation to protect the global commons of cyberspace and low earth orbit, our shared outer space.
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Tim Ozman,
IPR Host