Donald Trump, A Bad Don, Destroyer of Worlds
Revelation 9:11 and the 6/11 destruction of Seattle
In Revelation 9:11 we learn about a high-ranking fallen angel. He is called Abaddon in Hebrew, literally meaning "destruction" and Apollyon in Greek.
Rev 9:11 “They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).”
"Abyss" corresponds to the bottom of the ocean in James Cameron's movie Abyss.
On 9/11, James Cameron was in a submersible called the “Deep Sea Challenger” and was recording a documentary called “Ghosts of the Abyss” about the Titanic.
His movie about the Titanic depicted it splitting into two parts and capsizing vertically, one half, then the other, like the Twin Towers (complete with jumpers).
This predictive programming connects the symbolism of the Titanic, the ship of state, with the WTC towers, and their own sinking.
Finally, his movie T2 features the destruction of Los Angeles with a nuke, focussing on the playground sea turtle, a hint about SEA TurTLE contained in the name, and a reference to Bert The (duck and cover) Turtle
The Titanic, the Twin Towers, the One World Tower, the Space Needle—these represent the Tower of Babel, the West, the dominant superpower to be taken down. The “deep-sea challenger” seems to indicate a submarine-borne nuclear weapon striking the US on the west coast.
It’s notable that the One World Trade Center opened on 11/3/2014. The date 11/3 is associated with the ” Kraken”, the 2020 election, and the drama surrounding it leading to the January 6th, 2021 insurrection. 11/3 is also Godzilla’s birthday.
Again, this “deep sea challenger” is referenced. This “destroyer”, Abaddon in Hebrew, could point, in English, to “a bad Don.” Donald Trump. Could his impending indictment on 6/13/23, 888 days after January 6th, 2021, the release the Kraken day, be the trigger that causes the far-right domestic violent extremists to attack the US?
6/11/23 is the anniversary of Timothy McVeigh's execution at 33. This date has tremendous symbolic importance relating to this storyline.
On 6/11/22, the Patriot Front exited the Uhaul moving truck, a reference to Terry Nichols and McVeigh's attack in Oklahoma City. Trump launched his 2024 campaign he termed “the final battle” from Waco, which was where McVeigh was radicalized to violence just as Netflix released Waco: American Apocalypse.
Finally, let’s add Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, shot on Imax film, weighing in at 600 pounds and measuring 11 miles in length. 6,11. Seems too that nuclear fission, splitting the atom, is the ultimate in releasing the Kraken.
'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds' Oppenheimer's infamous quote as he witnessed the first detonation of a nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945. The “destroyer”, Abaddon. A bad Don.
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Tim Ozman,
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