The great majority of Truthers still fearfully cling to the contemporary mythologies built around the various psychological operations. These myths include:
Chinese Space lasers vaporized thousands of children that nobody seems to miss
Bioweapons disguised as vaccines, mass sterilizatoin, and depopulation
Islamic terrorists, school shooters, and border invasions of “military-age men”
False Flag theories
Chemtrails, 5G, and 2nd hand-vaccine damage
Cannibal Satanic Pedovore Democrats
Train derailments caused environmental disasters poisoning fish and making rain toxic
Billionaire villains like George Soros and Bill Gates
Billionaire saviors like Elon Musk and Donald Trump
In the IPS Guilded Think Tank, I posted the following quote by media historian Marshall McLuhan:
“World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.”
…to which death clinger
replied:“No reason to say "ALL INFO WAR". . . Yes, to military and civilian participation, though! No reason kinetic or physical actions would be dropped. The physical more effective covered by Info and Disinfo.”
The only problem is, Lloyd has never seen “kinetic or physical actions”. He has no corpses to point to. No blood. No tears either for that matter. Death clingers have nothing but hearsay and see-say.
Community organizer Saul Alinsky’s most well-known adage is “…the threat of the thing is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” It seems to me mass media applies this principle in their overall strategy.
Truthers who cling to the fake deaths are believers in the contemporary mythologies of the psyop industrial complex. The use of superstition to control the masses is ancient. See Instrumentum Regni:
Instrumentum regni is a Latin phrase perhaps inspired by Tacitus, used to express the exploitation of religion by State or ecclesiastical polity as a means of controlling the masses, or in particular to achieve political and mundane ends. Wikipedia
The irony is, the system requires true believers to function and the Truthers are often its truest believers. Take Maui for example: only Truthers are convinced (with zero evidence) that 1,500 children were vaporized by Directed Energy Weapons. What a burden it must be to know about such an atrocity and nobody cares. There are more missing DEW kids than victims in the latest fake attack on Israel.
The Psyop Entertaminet Compex’s main weapon against nonbelievers is shame and fear. Nobody can shame me into crying for 9/11 jumpers. No one can scare me into hiding under my bed from terrorists Yet here we are, confronting Truthers insisting that we remain fearful, subtlety shaming us for being nonbelievers.
Mainstream lies are bad enough. Truthers are believers in alternative lies which are even deeper into the world stage augmented reality game than the mundane Blue Pill variety of lies. Autohoaxers are non-believers as the skepticism we apply to mainstream media claims inoculates us against fear and superstition.
Thank you for subscribing. We’ll discuss this and more live today at InfinitePlane.Live.
Tim Ozman,
Too broad brush Tim. Just one counter thought: Why would you expect mass murder and damage due to the vaxxx the MSM promoted to be revealed by the MSM? There is plenty of evidence: 4 likely in my family and many many many testimonies, to say nothing of the increased death rate. Same-o for a likely death toll in Maui. Why would the MSM promote missing children when they were part of the cover-up. You really think this is just a scary movie? No! Planned change is in progress?
When I saw your list of what you consider "myths" that does it me. Unsuscribed. Because i know for fact a lot of those are not myths. I had to read what you wrote 5 times to make sure you were not joking.