The Final Experiment failed because it only addressed a straw man; it destroyed a false model. The Flat vs Round debate pitted a false model against a false model.
The Flat vs Round debate neglects to address the CGI elephant in the room: special effects and movie magic.
No debate about a complete model is valid unless it includes space fakery.
The Gloobers pretend like there is no such thing. The Flerfs fall into the trap of trying to out-science them at a ground level, where the question of space fakery is never brought up.
NASA's fakery should not be separated from fake news in general. These are part of the same worldview generator.
Shape aside, the images we have been shown, including the ongoing footage from the International Space Station are assumed to be evidence of space travel by those who accept the authority of mass media on the matter.
If space travel has been a movie magic trick performed for propaganda purposes then we cannot make claims about the completeness of a cosmological model.
The Final Experiment could have hired team of a video special effects professionals to examine hundreds of hours of video content from the ISS and the spacewalks for the cost of one ticket to Antarctica.
If Will Duffy had invested the same money and effort into debunking the ISS that he did into burning the Flat Earth straw man model, the ISS show would have been canceled by now.
Thank you for subscribing,
Tim Ozman
IPR Host