Boogieman's Strawman Abuse and Selective Retroactive Skepticism About 9/11
Analyzing a New Perspective: MSM + -
There’s an entirely new category of 9/11 Truther with one foot on the world stage official version and the other taking an offworld-stage perspective. This includes those who claim there were no planes on 9/11 yet insist that real people died. I get the idea they are not understanding the full implications of media fakery. If there were no planes, then one must assume there is a capacity to fake planes on television. This means mass media colludes in psychological operations across party lines, globally.
For example, I conversed with an individual going by Boogieman who insisted to me that 9/11 jumpers were real. Yet, in the same breath, he argued that the planes were fake. More recently, he has expressed hostility toward anyone saying “nobody” died on 9/11 as though it’s an outrageous and discrediting claim. It is not. People don’t die in mass casualty drills and they do not die in psychological operations.
His confusion can only be the result of not fully appreciating what it means if even a part of a mass media event can be demonstrated to be staged. To explain the error of assuming the mass media reports are real until proven fake, let’s contrast three perspectives on 9/11/01 and the 4th one where Boogieman, the subject of this post, falls into it:
MSM view: it happened as televised. Those damn terrorists.
MSM plus(MSM+): it happened but the media is lying about who did it and how.
MSM minus (MSM-): the media claims that cannot be verified, tested, or falsified are subtracted from one’s frame of reference.
MSM plus-minus (MSM+-): this selective skepticism suggests it happened but some of it is fake and some real, but the basic assumption is real until proven fake.
The fourth category, (MSM+-) “selective skepticism”, assumes the basic story is real but also allows for many additional assumptions that fall outside the purview of the mainstream analysis. However, unlike MSM+, they admit that some aspects can be entirely faked.
The assumption people died is also predicated on the MSM perspective being essentially true. This “MSM + -” is an incoherent bastardization of skepticism and blind trust; of autohoaxing and autobelieving.
The first time I spoke with Boogieman he was defending the existence of “9/11 jumpers” as the videos showing these were not “MSM”. (He may not believe in 9/11 jumpers anymore because I called him out on it, but he did defend them heartily when we spoke.) Boogieman is not an autohoaxer. In fact, he denounces autohoaxers.
Autohoaxing is applied skepticism directed at the mass-mediated worldview as presented by centralized government-controlled corporate and alternative media. If you’re a skeptic, you suspend judgment until you have all the information you need.
Boogieman has only applied skepticism selectively, and retroactively at that. His shaming tactics directed at people calling 9/11 a media hoax are unfounded and hypocritical given his own views about that day.
His disparaging tone regarding autohoaxers is largely based on a strawman he has created.
Boogieman’s anti-autohoaxer sentiment is rooted in a false sense of moral superiority. He’s big on shaming other Truthers who don’t toe his line. He has already crossed the line of questioning the event so he’s not on a higher moral plane than autohoaxers, as he may believe. Only media skeptics are offering any principled resistance to the everpresent mindwar.
Autohoaxers toss water on the fire whereas conspiracy theorists without a firm grasp of media fakery throw accelerant. Non-autohoaxing truthers should get off their “muh dead people” high horse because they are spreading agitprop and fearporn on behalf of the MSM.
Truthers espousing the view that no planes were used in the attack must have necessarily retro-autohoaxed 9/11/01. In other words, they looked back with radical skepticism and realized there was no reason to believe real planes were used. Media trickery explains it all. Again, Boogieman agrees that “nobody died” on those planes, as they did not exist. The significance of this admission needs to be emphasized.
In the related case of Tim Truth, this inconsistency led to a confusing episode on Fakeologist where he left the program because he didn’t want to be on a podcast talking about how nobody died in the Twin Towers. Um, just wait a minute: if it’s beyond the pale to say nobody died in the towers, how can you say the planes were fake? This is contradictory and incoherent.
One implication of “no planes” means the entire death toll has been demonstrated to be false. Simply recognizing that aspects of the event were faked alone should cause one to reframe the role the media itself played that day. Another is that the media is not neutral but is in fact complicit in the orchestration. Mass media also includes all “eyewitnesses” and witness footage presented as sources via mass media.
If the plane crash site was staged, then we can assume the ones staging it aren’t talking. This includes media, police, politicians, and crisis actors. The thing about Non-Disclosure Agreements is they aren’t binding if illegal activities are involved. Killing people, mass murder, terrorism, etc would all fall into the illegal activity category. The silence on the part of the perpetrators of the hoax indicates nobody really died and no crimes were committed.
The assumption of objectivity in media is where Truthers get lost in the matrix of lies. Psyops are like magic shows. The magic only works if you stay in your seat and look where the magician tells you to look. The alleged deaths on 9/11 were part of a magic show.
The truth is discernable by exercising skepticism toward the MSM’s essential claims and not believing anything until it’s demonstrated with evidence, aka Autohoaxing (MSM-).
9/11 Truth failed to find the truth. They judged the event real and tried to account for its anomalous nature with various “guardrailed” (a term I coined for this concept) controlled opposition explanations, obvious red herrings, directed energy weapons, and “tactical nukes”. Interestingly, the media adopted the term “guardrail” recently with regard to controlling and regulating AI-generated content to prevent misinformation and hate speech:
"….as these groups race to commercialise AI, the so-called “guardrails” that prevent these systems going awry — such as generating toxic speech and misinformation, or helping commit crimes — are struggling to evolve in tandem, according to AI leaders and researchers." —
In summary:
The MSM frame of reference lies. Most accept these lies as true.
The MSM + builds on top of those lies with “truther” content.
The MSM - rejects the lies.
The confused and muddled MSM +- assumes it’s real until proven fake but doesn’t let go of the extra assumptions.
My intention here is not to single out individuals but perspectives. Tim Truth and Boogieman are representatives of the MSM+- perspective. It lies somewhere between the false red-pill awakening and the true off-world stage perspective. Admitting the existence of hoaxery is the first step. Recognizing the scale of it might take time. But this assumes one is willing to step off the political horseshoe and go over the guardrails
Thank you for listening to him so we don’t have to.
Another outstanding take