Autobeliever: one who assumes what is televised to be true. Their assumption is that the fake news or hoaxes would be exposed by the reporters or journalists. Their error stems from both blind conformity and the false premise that reporters aren’t part of the production process. So they see reporters as bystanders with cameras, watching a scene unfold, rather than as a reality-television production crew, which is what they essentially are.
Autohoaxer: one who requires evidence for claims made by pathological lying media, especially when the claims are extraordinary. This requires investigation, fact-finding, and thorough examination. This is not always conclusive immediately, and therefore, Autohoaxer is often left with the option of suspending judgment and overreactions to televised news. This stance is in contrast to the Autobeliever.
Concurrent Programming: Entertainment or other media that reinforce the messaging of the contemporary psyops, such as Climate Fiction, would constitute concurrent programming.
Death Clingers: Truthers who insist on believing in actual deaths in psychological operations.
Dupable- the capacity to be tricked, deceived, and made into a dupe.
Fakeability: Whether an event is even possible to fake is a crucial question to ask before asserting something to be fake. This question accounts for all the tricks of modern media, including Hollywood-level special effects and acting talent.
False Flags: False flag theories are based on Operation Northwood, a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). These assert the events to be fundamentally real, but the named culprit is instead a proxy or scapegoat of another agency or organization.
Hoaxes: In the context of mass media, this refers to simulated news events which are essential mass casualty drills. Nobody actually dies in these as they are technically just simulated news events. The manner in which they are presented to the public constitutes a hoax. Ironically, the MSM refers to hoax detectors as "hoaxers."
Mind AIDS: Lacking a mental immune system against mind viruses for a lack of skepticism, leaving the believer open to all forms of mal/misinformation.
MSM: The mainstream non-conspiratorial view of the news that takes what is on the screen at face value.
MSM+ "plus": The conspiratorial view doesn’t trust the MSM news gives a complete picture and adds more conjecture to the existing narrative
MSM- "minus": The autohoaxing view, questions the premise set by the MSM and starts by removing unverifiable claims
Offworld Stage Media: News and entertainment media that rejects the MSM worldview as a valid lens through which to interpret world events.
Predictive Programming: is a form of emotional and psychological preparation or mental drilling to set one's expectations for a preplanned psychological operation.
Psyop: Psychological operations are usually aimed at influencing the target population's state of mind through non-combative means, such as propaganda, perception management operations, and corporate PR stunts.
See-Say: The visual equivalent of hearsay. Reporting something seen on video as first-hand information is see-say. (DHS appropriated this)
Truther-Bait: False leads planted implying fakery planted on social media intended to discredit autohoaxers.
World Stage Media: News and entertainment media that accept the MSM worldview as its frame of reference and accept the premises set by establishment media.
Autohoaxology Axiom #1: Fake until proven real.
Autohoaxology Axiom #2: Non-Belief is not Denialism
Autohoaxology Axiom #35 states: Moving lights in the sky are airplanes until proven otherwise.
Autohoaxology Axiom # 38: If they can trigger you, they can controll you.
Autohoaxology Axiom# 47: If the Fear is partisan, it’s fake.
For future reference and discussion: (No use our reinventing the wheel.).
This is our Baudrillard quote of the week from “Simulacra and Simulations”
To dissimulate is to feign not to have what one has. To simulate is to feign to have what one hasn't. One implies a presence, the other an absence. But the matter is more complicated, since to simulate is not simply to feign: "Someone who feigns an illness can simply go to bed and pretend he is ill. Someone who simulates an illness produces in himself some of the symptoms" (Littre). Thus, feigning or dissimulating leaves the reality principle intact: the difference is always clear, it is only masked; whereas simulation threatens the difference between "true" and "false", between "real" and "imaginary". Since the simulator produces "true" symptoms, is he or she ill or not? The simulator cannot be treated objectively either as ill, or as not ill. Psychology and medicine stop at this point, before a thereafter undiscoverable truth of the illness. For if any symptom can be "produced," and can no longer be accepted as a fact of nature, then every illness may be considered as simulatable and simulated, and medicine loses its meaning since it only knows how to treat "true" illnesses by their objective causes. Psychosomatics evolves in a dubious way on the edge of the illness principle. As for psychoanalysis, it transfers the symptom from the organic to the unconscious order: once again, the latter is held to be real, more real than the former; but why should simulation stop at the portals of the unconscious? Why couldn't the "work" of the unconscious be "produced" in the same way as any other symptom in classical medicine? Dreams already are.