Autohoaxology 101 Book Tour
The IPS Thank Tank is probably not street legal but it's definitely roadworthy....
Hello. I have some big updates:
Here is the new cover art for Autohoaxology 101. This is more in keeping with the IPR DEEP DIVE and the “Kraken” concepts (the art and IPR logo are by x322x / Xpoc at IG here and the photograph is one I took at the zoo):
ALL ORDERS are shipping out now with the updated art AND I made some updates to the Glossary. I had a film crew from Scandinavia en route, so I had to run with the basic cover art. Further, I held those copies to be featured in the documentary which has not been released yet. I appreciate your patience as I get this publishing enterprise properly launched.
I have been unsuccessful in getting hired so far (weird background check fluke) so I’m going to try something else:
I have planned a series of cyber-symposiums to promote AH101. These will be open forum debates and conversations about single topics at a time. Relevant experts will be invited along with independent media and my own cinematographer (sourced locally).
The content created at these events will be integrated into the ongoing film project I’m producing. These integrated in-real-life/ online situations are perfect for the type of documentary accompaniment I envision for the AH101.
Additionally, each place we hold such events will be ground zero for distributing the Freemium issues of the IPS Inciter. These are literally free, but I expect a high turnover into full subscriptions. You’ll understand when you see them.
I’m going to host the first IPS Think Tank Cyber Symposium here at the HQ. Book sales will go toward the next one which will take place in one of several cities I have in mind. Each event will have a flier to specify the purpose, the topics, the location, the date, and other pertinent details.
The purpose is to pick up momentum enough to make this into a book tour/ conference series.
The first one will provide all the feedback I need to plan the others. What will it look like?
Live stream in a conference room.
The topic for discussion/debate is decided in advance. The topics are going to be chosen for maximum impact.
Relevant attendees will be invited
My own camera crew
The online chat will be included in our discussion and we can take calls via speakerphone.
The IPS Inciter (free version) will be distributed.
Autohoaxology 101 will be available there and on eBay.
The first of these will kick off this month. Meanwhile, I’m processing orders and am working on updating the press passes. I’m going to place several bulk orders for these and the hardcover AH101 in the coming days.
If you’re awaiting your copy—-it’s coming. Again, I thank you for enabling the publishing wing of IPS to develop. Now the Tank is ready to hit the road. This has been a developing plan for about a year now. Feel free to comment below.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
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