Attention Death Clingers and Corpse Clutchers: Show Your Evidence
Hearsay and see-say don't count.
Death Clingers and Corpse Clutchers need to provide one good example to weigh against the fakery we regularly expose if they wish their claims to be taken seriously.
Their argument for holding to the belief that “some people died” in the latest media spectacle is like saying, "I know you guys don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm sure at least ONE Santa visitation was real..." Or like saying, “If those Mandela Effects don't resonate with you, maybe see if THESE ones do..." Nope. Santa Claus visitations and Mandela Effects have been categorically debunked.
The simulated news events don't have corresponding "REAL" events the believers can point to. If they did, they wouldn't have to fake them.
Mass shootings in schools, for example, have been categorically debunked. Why do people cling to the atrocity propaganda? Simple. We live within a life-long all-encompassing immersive illusion composed of emotionally charged narratives. The World Stage is real: it is “the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth” to quote Morpheus, from The Matrix. Morpheus means ‘form’, as he’s the god of dreams, the internal world, and the forms it takes. We live in a dream world so long as the World Stage is internalized as the Real World.
For the conscientious, the dream is often a nightmare. The desire to care about all the tragedy leads those with an abundance of empathy to over-care about what they cannot even know to be real. The Autohoaxer isn’t bereft of empathy but realizes empathy is targeted by the propaganda lies of the World Stage theatre.
If anything, Autohaxing is a conscientious objection to mind-war.
Death Clingers and Corpse Clutchers need to be held to the same standard we hold the MSM to. Why? Because they are repeating unsubstantiated mainstream media and alt-media claims. The sooner we highlight the divide between “truthers” who are de-facto MSM guardrails, and skeptics, the sooner we can metastasize the Parallel Media.