Hands Up Don't Shoot...this is where the Eco Activism MERGES with BLM
In January I wrote about how the Cop City drama in Atlanta was based on Avatar 2: The Way of Water. Basically, Cop City is a proposed training ground for police brutality at the expense of a natural park that is home to eco-activists. They claim the training facility will necessitate deforestation of the area which will displace forest people and trigger floods in Atlanta.
The Avatar tie-ins are as follows:
Pandora’s forest people and the land they are symbiotically attached to are under attack by the first wave of a capitalist invasion.
Capitalism requires police to maintain the class structure and protect private concentrations of wealth at the expense of equality and the ecosystem. Humans destroyed Gaia and plan on migrating to Pandora to continue their unsustainable and parasitic political and economic system.
Avatar 2: The Way of Water is about an Atlantean-like group of forest people, the Navi, defending their sentient world and their people from encroaching humans. The movie makes the point that toxic masculinity is killing mother earth. The cops and marines epitomize this.
The drama in Atlanta involves self-described “forest defenders”, protecting the 85-acre site.
This latest development suggests I am correct in my assessment of Manual Estaban Paez Teran. He is now said to have died with his hands up:
Note the following:
His hands were up. This is a BLM tie-in: “hands up don’t shoot!”
He’s the first eco-activist to die at the hands of police. He sacrificed his life for “Gaia” or “Pandora”.
STIGMATA— he had bullet holes in BOTH his hands. Note too he sat "cross" legged.
This week is a “week of action” in Atlanta which means we can expect more peaceful protesting. This is at a time when Climate Justice is taking on an Antiracist angle with articles such as:
I’ll be following this closely. Please feel free to share this public post:
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host